
Eko-Ende is a community in the Ifelodun Local Government Area of Ọṣun State, Nigeria.


Eko-Ende has a tropical climate, with an average temperature of.
Average annual rainfall is, with peaks in July and September, and little rain between November and February.
Eko-Ende lies just west of the town of Ikirun.
The farming community lies on the Ikirun-Ogbomoso road, in-between Eko-Ajala and Ore communities.


The Eko-Ende Dam on the Otin River was impounded in 1973 to form a reservoir with a capacity of 5.5 MCM.
The headworks were designed to supply potable water to the communities of Oba, Eko-Ende, Eko-Ajala, Ikirun, Iragbiji and Okuku. The dam is an earth structure, completed in 1979, with a capacity of.


The Jalumi War of 1 November 1878 took place in the hilly country of the northeast of Osun State in the area that includes Ikirun, Iba, Inisa, Okuku and Eko-Ende. It was one of the series of civil wars in Yorubaland between 1793 and 1893.
The traditional ruler is the Elende of Eko-Ende. As of 2013 Oba Abdul-Rauf Adebayo Ajiboye held this title.