Edward Dutton (anthropologist)

Edward Croft Dutton is an English anthropologist. Dutton has a degree in Theology from Durham University and a PhD in Religious Studies from the University of Aberdeen.


Dutton has published work on human intelligence, such as a study he co-authored with Richard Lynn concluding that physical scientists are more intelligent than social scientists. He has also studied the average IQ in Finland, and the apparent discrepancy between Finland's high average IQ and its relative lack of Nobel Prize-winning scientists.
Dutton was previously associated with the University of Oulu in Finland and retains the title of docent at the institution. As of 2012, he was employed as a university teacher. In September 2016, Oulu University started an investigation on Dutton's and Lynn's article A negative Flynn effect in Finland, 1997-2009 published in Intelligence in 2013. In an announcement made by the university in June 2017, Dutton was found to have conducted scientific misconduct due to plagiarism. The article discussed IQ tests done on Finnish conscripts, and a table of the IQ test results had been compiled by a student for a master's thesis which was not attributed. Dutton stated in his response that the master's thesis was attributed in his original version but Lynn had removed it. Lynn took responsibility for the incident, however, the university did not investigate Lynn's part because he has never been associated with the institution. Dutton was not employed by the university at the time of the incident either, but the university investigated it due to its name being used in the study. The university informed Lynn's affiliates about the conclusion and asked Intelligence to issue a correction.
Dutton has attended the London Conference on Intelligence, which is associated with eugenics, and was one of fifteen attendees who contributed to a defense of the conference published in Intelligence in response to media coverage of the event.
Dutton has appeared as a guest on the white supremacist podcast Red Ice. Dutton wrote a paper in defense of Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique series, which claims that Jewish people are biologically ethnocentric to the detriment of other groups. The work was published in Evolutionary Psychological Science in 2018. The article was defended by the journal's editor, Todd K. Shackelford, as a good fit because it was "risky", while board member Steven Pinker criticized the journal's decisions to publish the paper. Pinker said it contributed nothing new, and was unsupported by evolutionary psychology while also repeating old antisemitic canards.
Dutton has published papers on the psychology and genetics of religion, arguing that atheists tend to be more intelligent, and that atheism is associated with mutational load.
On 19 October 2019 Dutton addressed the annual conference of the Traditional Britain Group, where he argued that British inventions and genius placed them at the apex of civilisation. In November 2019, Dutton spoke at the far-right Scandza Forum, in Oslo.
As of 2019, Dutton was editor-in-chief of the controversial journal Mankind Quarterly.


Dutton has published 14 books.
Dutton is distantly related to Sir Piers Dutton, about whom he wrote a biographical book entitled The Ruler of Cheshire: Sir Piers Dutton, Tudor Gangland and the Violent Politics of the Palatine. A British citizen, he is married to a Finnish woman, with whom he has two children.