Eduard Kann

Eduard Kann was an Austrian banker and a specialist in Chinese numismatics. His book The Currencies of China was "immediately the standard work on the subject of metallic currencies in China"


Kann was born in Austria. In 1902 he left Vienna to work for a London bank in China. He was employed by several banks, including the Russo-Asiatic Bank, the Banque Industrielle de Chine, and the Chinese-American Bank of Commerce, was stationed in Manchuria, then Tientsin and became manager of the Commercial Guarantee Bank of Chihli. He was general manager of the Chinese-American Bank of Commerce from 1921. Between 1925 and 1949 he was an independent bullion broker in Shanghai, but interned by the Japanese. After 1949 he taught briefly at Loyola University in Los Angeles, then retired to Hollywood.

Kann's collections

After his death, Kann's collections were sold: