Edgar Allan Poe (film)

Edgar Allan Poe is a 1909 American silent short drama film directed by D. W. Griffith. A print of the film exists. The original title misspelled Poe's middle name as "Allen".


The film short focuses on Edgar Allan Poe and his wife Virginia Clemm, who is bedridden with an illness. While Poe comforts her, a raven lands on the bust of Pallas in her room. Poe is inspired to write his greatest work "The Raven". He seeks to sell the poem to a publisher. The poem, however, is rejected.
The description: "Trying to sell his verses to procure food for his sick wife." He is able to finally obtain money for the poem from editors he has solicited. With the money, he buys food for Virginia.
When he arrives home, however, he finds that Virginia has died.
