Ed Green

Edward Green is a fictional character on the NBC crime drama Law & Order, created by René Balcer and portrayed by Jesse L. Martin. He appeared in 202 episodes.

Character overview

Ed Green is introduced as senior detective Lennie Briscoe's new junior partner, succeeding Rey Curtis. Ed's willingness to bend legal rules to arrest a suspect does little to endear him to his superiors, and he initially thinks Briscoe is too old to investigate crimes effectively. Ed and Lennie have several heated disagreements about the latter's capabilities. Later, however, Ed grows to trust and respect his partner, as well as tone down his unorthodox investigative methods. He and Briscoe often joke about their age difference, as well as Ed's Rolex watches and Lennie’s two failed marriages. His badge number is 3472.
After they work together on the show for five years, Lennie retires, and Ed is more affected by his retirement than he expected. It takes him a while to warm up to his next partner, Joe Fontana, whose style is more abrasive than Briscoe's. However, Ed eventually deflates some of the tension between Fontana and their lieutenant, Anita Van Buren.
Near the end of Season 15, Ed is shot in the line of duty and hospitalized for several weeks. During his absence, he is replaced by Nick Falco. The absence of Ed’s character from the show was occasioned in the real world by actor Martin's sabbatical to reprise his former Broadway depiction of Tom Collins in the motion picture version of Rent.
Ed is promoted to senior detective after Fontana retires. He is partnered with Nina Cassady, over the objections of Van Buren, who thinks Cassady is too inexperienced to be a homicide detective. Initially, Ed seems to have a similar opinion, but as time passes, their partnership becomes more solid and they become more relaxed and friendly with one another. Their relationship remains professional, however.
After Cassady's departure, Ed is next partnered with Cyrus Lupo. Ed's reaction to Lupo is somewhat reserved at first, especially since the first case they work together is the suicide of Lupo's brother. Ed is opposed to Lupo's working the case at all, but Van Buren overrules him. However, after a short period of time, Ed seems to become more comfortable with Lupo as he does with his other partners. Around mid-season, Ed even takes to affectionately dubbing Lupo as "Loops".
Mid-way through Season 18, Ed is involved in a shooting that leads to his being indicted and tried, though all charges are subsequently dropped. Even though Van Buren assures him that he is welcome back on the force, Ed, unhappy with having "broken every rule in the book", decides to leave the squad. Lupo is given Ed's position of senior partner, and Detective Kevin Bernard of the Internal Affairs Bureau, who investigated Ed, becomes Lupo's new partner.


Ed represents the L&O franchise's return to the wild, "Dirty Harry" type of character once popularized by Mike Logan. Among the few personal touches made to the character are his affinity for gambling; he makes trips to Atlantic City often enough that Briscoe teases him about it. Subsequent episodes reveal that Ed had stopped gambling but then fell back into it briefly after Briscoe's retirement and death.
Ed has occasionally mentioned that his family traveled around the world due to his father's work as an oil engineer, and that he had lived in the Middle East at some point. He has also mentioned that he grew up in a religious family and revealed that his father has Alzheimer's disease. He has at least some family living in New York; in the episode "", Van Buren recommends that Ed’s family be protected from an escaped convict, and he responds, "Way ahead of you. They're already upstate."
Ed is often a source of varied information in investigations. He speaks Spanish, some Russian—"Enough to pick up a date",—and a little French, and is up to date on popular culture; he appears to have a strong classical education.
He is a vegetarian, for which Briscoe often mocks him.
He was a uniformed police officer in 1994. He was working in the Narcotics Department in Midtown Manhattan by 1997.

Character highlights

Racial issues have been connected to Green's character in some episodes. For example, when Briscoe and Green investigate the shooting of a cop, they trace it to Stevie Thomas, a black boy whose brother Eric's murder was dismissed and effectively covered up by the police because he was black. Green interrogates Stevie solo at one point, speaking to him both as a cop and as a black man. He is called to testify in court, and at the end of the episode is seen reminding Van Buren that, while Eric Thomas' death creates guilt for those responsible, Eric is still dead.
Another instance of racial issues connected to Green is the episode "", wherein a racist kills a black man over a taxi. When Briscoe and Green search the suspect's apartment, Green attempts to arrest him. However, the suspect throws him off and says he will comply only for Briscoe.
Like most other detective characters who join the series after 1993, Green carries a Glock 19 pistol as his service weapon.
Van Buren reprimands Green for getting personal while interviewing a suspect in the case of an abortion of a fetus thought to have Down syndrome. After Van Buren leaves, Green reveals to Lupo that he was once engaged to a woman who became pregnant; they ordered an amniotic test and "couldn't decide what to do". They eventually terminated the pregnancy.

Awards and decorations

The following are the medals and service awards worn by Ed, as seen in "Gunplay".

Appearances on other TV shows