Ecphantus the Pythagorean

Ecphantus or Ecphantos or Ephantus is a shadowy Greek pre-Socratic philosopher. He may not have actually existed. He is identified as a Pythagorean of the 4th century BCE, and as a supporter of the heliocentric theory. Described as from Syracuse, this may or may not be the same figure as the attested Ecphantus of Croton.
Ecphantus accepted the existence of atoms. He accepts the existence of void, empty space. Ecphantus maintained that the Cosmos is made of atoms and there is only one Cosmos governed by providence i.e. the laws of physics].
He is the first of the Pythagoreans to attribute physical substance to the Pythagorean units.
Ecphantus, like Heraclides. believed that the Earth turns around its center from west to towards east, like a wheel, as if it has an axis, the state.