The expression "ecological land classification" as understood in this article, is approximate with the biogeographical and ecological regionalisations in a scientific context. However, its actual usage is more approximate with a tool used for land management, in the context of environmental resource management. In Canada ecological land classification schemes are commonly used. Provincial authorities have adopted methods to classify ecosystems within various ecoregions of the province. Ontario is one such province that uses an extensive method to define ecological units. Improvements in hand held technology have allowed for more efficient collection of vegetation and physiological data in the field, such as with the ELC eTool.
Classification types
Many different lists and ecological land classification schemes have been developed.
Botany – botanists have identified floristic provinces based on flora-plant communities
Zoology – zoologists have identified zoogeographic provinces based on faunal communities.
Conservation – approximating ecosystem capacity and potentials.
Geology and Pedology – the physical matter and energy that constitute the Earth.
Approaches to classifications
American geographer Robert Bailey defines a hierarchy of ecosystem units ranging from micro-ecosystems, through meso-ecosystems to macro-ecosystems. Bailey outlined five different methods for identifying ecosystems: gestalt, in which regions are recognized and boundaries drawn intuitively; a map overlay system where different layers like geology, landforms and soil types are overlain to identify ecosystems; multivariate clustering of site attributes; digital image processing of remotely sensed data grouping areas based on their appearance or other spectral properties; or by a "controlling factors method" where a subset of factors are selected from a large array of possible ones are used to delineate ecosystems. In contrast with Bailey's methodology, Puerto Rico ecologist Ariel Lugo and coauthors identified ten characteristics of an effective classification system. For example that it be based on georeferenced, quantitative data; that it should minimize subjectivity and explicitly identify criteria and assumptions; that it should be structured around the factors that drive ecosystem processes; that it should reflect the hierarchical nature of ecosystems; that it should be flexible enough to conform to the various scales at which ecosystem management operates.
Classification schemes
Following, a comparison of classification schemes and terms used in the study of the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems and the Earth in ecology and other fields.