EXPEC Advanced Research Center

The Exploration and Petroleum Engineering Center - Advanced Research Center is located in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. It is a research center that belongs to Saudi Aramco and is responsible for upstream oil and gas technology development. The center has over 250 scientists from various disciplines, spread across six technology teams and one laboratory division which tackle various aspects of oil and gas exploration, development, and production. These teams are: Geophysics Technology, Geology Technology, Reservoir Engineering Technology, Computational Modeling Technology, Production Technology, and Drilling Technology.
EXPEC ARC carries out cutting-edge upstream research and development at Saudi Aramco. EXPEC ARC researchers focus on developing innovative technologies and field testing them in the largest, most productive oil and gas fields in the world – those in Saudi Arabia. For many, the most exciting aspect of working at EXPEC ARC is the opportunity to put their far reaching research ideas, theories and developments into practice in these renowned oil and gas fields.
EXPEC ARC research teams develop a vast range of dynamic upstream technologies spanning from the nano-scale, as illustrated by reservoir nano-agents, Resbots, all the way to the giga-scale, as in the giga-cell reservoir simulation technology, GigaPOWERS, and many other bold new concepts in between.
EXPEC ARC is proactive in collaboration initiatives with scientific and research institutes and technology providers as well as independent researchers and developers from around the world.
EXPEC ARC is an integrated organization, where researchers, technologists and strategists work together as teams developing inventive and original solutions to the company’s upstream technical challenges. Pioneering ideas and research are also generated through collaborative partnerships with premier universities and technology providers as well as independent researchers and developers from around the world.
EXPEC ARC has developed ground-breaking services and products, especially in the areas of land seismic, simulation, and visualization. Regardless of the specialty, ideas are freely exchanged through mutual consultation and open discussion in an environment in which “pushing the technology envelope” is expected.
Scientists and researchers at EXPEC ARC have been granted numerous patents with many in process. Their work has been recognized with international awards, is widely published, and has several times been used as a foundation for further development by innovators, universities and research institutions throughout the world.
EXPEC ARC provides the cradle for the unique and leading technologies designed to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow’s world energy demands.