ESC Clermont Business School

ESC Clermont Business School is a business school located in France, in the city of Clermont-Ferrand. Established in 1919, the school of management is a Grande Ecole that is recognized by The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The business school holds AACSB accreditation since 2005 and its Bachelor programme received the EPAS accreditation in 2018. The school obtained the AMBA acrreditation in 2020. It offers undergraduate and postrgraduate programmes.
The school is a Grand école and is also part of Conférence des Grandes écoles, the Consortium of Graduate Schools of Management.
The school has an alumni network of over 13,000 graduates.


Founded in 1919, ESC Clermont was established in the city of Clermont-Ferrand. Since then, the business school has graduated 13,000 students.
The business school merged with three other French graduate management schools: ESC Amiens, ESCEM and ESC Brest to form France Business School in 2013. ESC Clermont broke from the merger and regained its independence in 2015. ESC Clermont is a founding member of the ENBS Consortium, an exclusive network of universities and business schools covering different European countries. The school is also a member of the NIBES network which is a global network of 20 Business and Economic Schools in 19 countries.
In 2016 it launched a foundation as part of it strategic project Vision 2020. The foundation is intended to reinforce social openness and equal opportunities, boost research and innovation, support entrepreneurship, and encourage professional integration in the business world.


The school of management has been recognised by the state since its creation in 1919, and is accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The graduate school of management is also part of ‘Conférence des Grandes Ecoles’, the association comprising highly selective and prestigious institutions that are recognised by the state.
ESC Clermont obtained the U.S. AACSB accreditation in 2006. Since then, the business school has had its accreditation renewed for five years respectively in 2011 and 2016.
In 2018, the Bachelor programme offered by ESC Clermont obtained the EPAS accreditation.
In 2020, ESC Clermont obtained the AMBA accreditation.


International Rankings

As of 2016, ESC Clermont was ranked 86th business school in the world according to the "Financial Times Ranking" issued by the Financial Times newspaper. The school was ranked as the 67th best business school in the FT ranking in 2011, and continued to be among the top 100 business schools in Europe till date.
ESC Clermont is also featured in the QS ranking for business schools since it was first published in 2017.
Financial Times European Business School Rankings90
Financial Times Master in Management92
Financial Times Master in Management
QS World University Rankings Master in Management73
QS World University Rankings Master in Management

National Rankings in France

Accreditations and networks

On the international level, ESC Clermont Business School is:
On the national and regional level, Groupe ESC Clermont is:
In 2017, the carried out by the FNEGE valued the economic impact of the school at 69 million euros in the metropolitan region of Clermont-Vichy Auvergne.

Programmes offered

Undergraduate programmes include a three-year Bachelor in International Management, available in English or French. The degree can also be granted as a third-year-only programme to students who transfer to the school after two years of undergraduate studies elsewhere.
Two postgraduate degrees are offered: Master in Management and Master of Science. Master in Management is a two-year programme, offered in English or French, with several study tracks, specialisations, and work environments. The Master of Science programme, offered in English only, is a 16- to 18-month programme and includes an internship and a professional thesis.
