ELeague Street Fighter V Invitational

ELEAGUE Street Fighter V Invitational, also known as ELEAGUE Season 3, is the third season of ELEAGUE. After two seasons with , the league announced that it will expand to fighting games with Street Fighter V. The season will run from March 27, 2017 to May 26, 2017 and will be broadcast on cable television on TBS and online on Twitch. The season will feature 32 players overall and 24 players in the main tournament from across the world to compete.
The third season of ELEAGUE started with Victor "Punk" Woodley defeating Bryant "Smug" Huggin 2-0 in a best of three. The official season began with Smug defeating Julio Fuentes 3-0 in a best of five series. The season concluded with Punk defeating Arman "Phenom" Hanjani 4-2 in a best of seven series to take home 150,000 of the 250,000 prize pool.


ELEAGUE will invite thirty-two players from around the world to compete in the tournament. Sixteen of the players will be invited based off their 2016 Capcom Pro Tour results and the other sixteen will receive invites from Capcom. This stage will be the preliminaries. Players will be separated into four groups of eight. The top six players from each group will advance to the regular season. All matches will be best of three. This will run from March 27, 2017 to March 30, 2017.
Twenty-four players will play in the regular season. They will be divided into four groups of six. There will be two phases in the regular season. The top two players from the preliminaries will automatically advance to the second phase. The other four players will play in a group stage robin round. The third seed and the sixth seed will play each other and the fourth and fifth seeds will play each other in the initial matches. The two losers and the two winners will then play each other. The winner of the winner's map will move on to phase two and the loser of the loser's matches will be eliminated. The decider match between the two remaining players will determine which player moves to the second phase and which player gets eliminated. In phase two, the remaining four players will play in a single elimination, best of five bracket. The winners of the matches will move on to the playoffs.
Eight players remain as they head to the playoffs. The winners of the groups will be placed in the upper bracket and the runners-up of the groups will be placed in the lower bracket. Players will play in an eight-man double-elimination bracket, meaning a loss from a player in the upper bracket is still alive, but heads into the lower bracket. Once a player loses in the lower bracket, that player is eliminated from the tournament. The players will continue to play until a winner is decided. All matches will be best of five. The playoffs will all take place on May 26.

Players Competing

The thirty-two players competing in the tournament are as follows:

Broadcast Talent

The preliminary groups were announced on March 2, 2017. There are four groups of eight players and six players from each group move on to the regular season.

Group A (March 27th)

SmugBalrog02Karin Punk
MarnIbuki12Ken Julio Fuentes
MomochiKen20Chun-Li Ricki Ortiz
Julio FuentesKen02Balrog Smug
InfiltrationJuri20Karin Punk
Ricki OrtizR.Mika02R. Mika Marn
SmugBalrog20Necalli Brolynho
PunkKarin21Ken Momochi
Julio FuentesKen21Chun-Li Ricki Ortiz
InfiltrationJuri02Balrog Smug
MarnIbuki21Ken Momochi
Ricki OrtizChun-Li12Necalli Brolynho
PunkKarin21Ken Julio Fuentes
MomochiKen21Balrog Smug
Ricki Ortiz
PunkKarin20Ibuki Marn
BrolynhoNecalli02Ken Momochi
InfiltrationRashid20Ken Julio Fuentes
MarnIbuki02Balrog Smug
BrolynhoNecalli12Karin Punk
MomochiKen20Ken Julio Fuentes
SmugBalrog20Chun-Li Ricki Ortiz
InfiltrationJuri20Ibuki Marn
Ricki OrtizChun-Li02Nash Punk
InfiltrationRashid12Ken Momochi
BrolynhoNecalli20Ibuki Marn

Group B (March 28th)

GlltyDhalsim02Akuma Snake Eyes
GamerBeeNecalli21Rashid Alex Valle
Justin WongKarin12Ken Eita
PR BalrogBalrog20Guile Daigo Umehara
GlltyDhalsim02Necalli GamerBee
Justin WongKarin02Akuma Snake Eyez
Alex ValleRashid02Balrog PR Balrog
GlltyDhalsim12Ken Eita
Daigo UmeharaGuile21Akuma Snake Eyez
GamerBeeCammy02Balrog PR Balrog
Justin WongKarin20Dhalsim Gllty
Alex ValleRashid02Guile Daigo Umehara
PR BalrogBalrog21Ken Eita
Snake EyezZangief21Necalli GamerBee
Daigo UmeharaGuile21Dhalsim Gllty
Justin WongKarin12Balrog PR Balrog
Snake EyezZangief12Rashid Alex Valle
Daigo UmeharaGuile02Ken Eita
Justin WongKarin12Necalli GamerBee
Alex ValleRashid20Dhalsim Gllty
Snake EyezZangief20Ken Eita
GamerBeeNecalli20Guile Daigo Umehara
PR BalrogBalrog20Kolin
Justin WongKarin21Rashid Alex Valle
EitaKen21Necalli GamerBee
PR BalrogBalrog12Zangief Snake Eyez
Justin WongKarin20Guile Daigo Umehara
EitaKen12Rashid Alex Valle

Group C (March 29th)

K-BradCammy21Urien Gootecks
WolfkroneLaura21R. Mika Fuudo
TokidoAkuma12Dhalsim Fchamp
XianIbuki21Chun-Li MOV
GootecksUrien02R. Mika Fuudo
TokidoAkuma21Cammy K-Brad
WolfkroneLaura12Ibuki Xian
GootecksUrien02Dhalsim Fchamp
K-BradCammy02Chun-Li MOV
FuudoR. Mika20Ibuki Xian
TokidoAkuma20Urien Gootecks
MOVChun-Li12Laura Wolfkrone
FchampDhalsim02Ibuki Xian
FuudoR. Mika21Cammy K-Brad
MOVChun-Li20Urien Gootecks
TokidoAkuma21Ibuki Xian
K-BradCammy12Laura Wolfkrone
MOVChun-Li02Dahlsim Fchamp
FuudoR. Mika20Akuma Tokido
GootecksUrien02Laura Wolfkrone
FchampDhalsim20Cammy K-Brad
FuudoR. Mika20Chun-Li MOV
XianIbuki20Urien Gootecks
TokidoAkuma02Laura Wolfkrone
FchampDhalsim12R. Mika Fuudo
XianIbuki20Cammy K-Brad
TokidoAkuma12Chun-Li MOV
FchampDhalsim02Laura Wolfkrone'''

Group D (March 30th)

Ryan HartUrien
02M. Bison LPN
Xiao HaiCammy20Urien LI Joe
NuckleDuGuile20R. Mika Luffy
PhenomNecalli20Ken Chris Tatarian
Xiao HaiCammy21Kolin
NuckleDuGuile20Ken Ryan Hart
Chris TatarianKen20Urien LI Joe
LuffyR. Mika20Urien LPN
PhenomNecalli12Urien Ryan Hart
Xiao HaiCammy21Ken Chris Tatarian
R. Mika
21M. Bison
PhenomNecalli21Urien LI Joe
LuffyR. Mika20Ken Chris Tatarian
Xiao HaiCammy12Urien Ryan Hart
PhenomNecalli20Urien LPN
NuckleDuGuile20Cammy Chris Tatarian
Ryan HartGuile20Urien LI Joe
LuffyR. Mika12Necalli Phenom
NuckleDuGuile20Cammy Xiao Hai
LPNUrien20M. Bison LI Joe
LuffyR. Mika21Urien Ryan Hart
Xiao HaiCammy21Necalli Phenom
Chris TatarianKen20Birdie LPN
NuckleDuGuile20Nash LI Joe
Xiao HaiCammy02R. Mika Luffy
Chris TatarianKen21Urien Ryan Hart
NuckleDuGuile12Necalli Phenom
LuffyR. Mika20Urien LI Joe

Regular Season (April 7-May 12, 2017)

Group A (April 7th)

Phase One

Phase Two

Group B (April 21st)

Phase One

Phase Two

Group C (May 5th)

Phase One

Phase Two

Group D (May 12th)

Phase One

Phase Two

Playoffs (May 26th, 2017)

Upper Bracket

Lower Bracket

Grand Finals

Final standings