EID, S.A. is a Portuguese research and development company, established in 1983. The company is specialized in the fields of electronics, communications and command and control, mainly for Defense use.
Its headquarters and production facilities are located at Lazarim, in the Lisbon metropolitan area.
EID is a private owned company. Its main shareholder is Cohort plc.
The company makes military communications systems, including its ICCS that is the responsible for the integration and management of the communications of a number of warships of the NATO and of other countries navies. EID's Customers include a number of armed forces in Europe, Africa, South America, Middle East and Asia Pacific.
The activities of EID are divided by the following lines of business: naval communications, tactical communications, military messaging and systems integration.


Divided by lines of business, the following EID products are presently in production:

Naval communications systems

Military messaging systems

Some examples are: