École des hautes études en santé publique,, with a campus in both Rennes and Paris is designed to form the next generation of French and international professionals in public health. It is a 'grande ecole.' EHESP employs 90 full-time professors and has a student population of 1300.


The École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique was signed into being January 1, 2008, changing its name from the ENSP.
The French government set up the school in 1945 as a means of developing a management personnel in the public sector who were able to apply the major social security laws passed in 1945 and construct the new health and welfare administrative infrastructure after the Liberation.
The ENSP was responsible for the professional development of medical and paramedical public health workers as well as health technicians. Post War legislation, political and economic changes and international collaboration very soon called for a wider range of specialised training courses for public health management personnel.
1960 marked the independence of ENSP, allowing it to hire permanent teaching personnel. The campus moved from Paris to Rennes in 1961. In 2008, the increasing complexity and interdisciplinary nature of public health fostered the change in mission from isolated vocational departments to international, interdisciplinary education. The 2004 public health law further emphasized the international aim of post-graduate public health education in France. Although already internationally recognized for its work with the World Health Organization, EHESP further gained an international image through its various International Programs taught in both French and English. The ENSP became the École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique on January 1, 2008.
On February 9, 2010, it joined 4 universities and other higher educational establishments to form Université Sorbonne Paris Cité. Université Sorbonne Paris Cité is composed of Paris-3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris-5 Descartes, Paris-7 Diderot and Paris-13 Nord Villetaneuse as associate members. 4 grand establishments, EHESP French School of public health, Sciences-Po Paris, l’Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, l’Institut de physique du globe de Paris.

List of Deans

  1. 1 Professor Daniel Santenay
  2. 2 Professor Jean Senecal
  3. 3 Dr. John Simon Cayla
  4. 4 Pierre Leclerc
  5. 5 Louis Picard
  6. 6 Dr. Jean-Paul Picard
  7. 7 Christian Rollet
  8. 8 Emmanuele Mengual
  9. 9 Dr. Pascal Chevit
  10. 10 Professor Jacques Hardy
  11. 11 Professor Dominique Bertrand
  12. 12 Antoine Flahault
  13. 13 Dr. Laurent Chambaud

    English-taught Programs

MPH is a two year program that takes place in Paris.


EHESP is accredited by the French Ministry of Education and uses the ECTS European grading system.