Dy (surname)

Dy is a surname in various cultures.


As an English surname, Dy is a variant spelling of Dye, which may have come from the Greek masculine given name Dionysios or its feminine form Dionysia. One early record of the surname Dy is in the 1379 poll tax returns of Yorkshire. Another known origin of the surname is from the Chinese Filipino community, where Dy transcribes a Hokkien pronunciation of the Chinese surname spelled in the Hanyu Pinyin transcription of its Mandarin pronunciation. There is also a Cambodian surname transcribed as Dy.


The 2010 United States Census found 1,932 people with the surname Dy, making it the 15,232nd-most-common name in the country. This represented an increase from 1,422 in the 2000 census. In both censuses, slightly less than nine-tenths of the bearers of the surname identified as Asian, and about five percent as White.
