Dutch Olympic Sailing Team

The Dutch were in most of the Olympic sailing competitions represented by the Dutch Olympic Sailing Team. The selection of the members of the team was done by the Koninklijk Nederlands Watersport Verbond or its predecessor. With the exception of 1908 and 1912 there were always Dutch sailors willing to compete at this pinnacle of competitive sailing. Even in 1956 in Melbourne the Dutch team was willing and able to perform. However at the last possible moment the Dutch NOC and the Dutch government, ordered a boycott of these games. This boycott was a result of the presence in Hungary of the Soviet Union after the Hungarian Revolution. The KNWV was not in favor of this boycott.
Listed below is an overview of all Olympic games and events which the Dutch Olympic Sailing Team was selected for. The list includes all sailors, substitutes and when known, the officials that supported the team:

The Gentleman yearsThe titles of the chapters came from the book:

1896 Athens,

1920 Ostend,

1948 Torbay,


1988 Pusan,

2000 Sydney,