Duilio Forte

Duilio Forte is an Italian artist and architect.


He graduates in architecture in 1994 at the Politecnico di Milano. That same year he wins the first prize of San Carlo Borromeo at La Permanente of Milan, under the jury of Achille Castiglioni and Giancarlo De Carlo, with the Ekeberg sauna made in Sweden.
He founds Atelier Forte in 1998, an architecture and sculpture research laboratory that deals with the design and creation of artistic and architectural works.
Every year since 2003, he has been organizing a workshop of art and architecture in Sweden called StugaProject, near the town of Grythyttan.
He has been a member of the Swedish Association of Architects since 2005.
He participates in the 11th International Architecture Exhibition of Venice with Sleipnir Venexia.
It was on 12 February 2009, for the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth, that Duilio Forte wrote the Arkizoic Manifesto, the architectural style characterized by the union between architecture and Anemos, the breath of life.
He participates in the 12th International Architecture Exhibition of Venice with Sleipnir Convivalis.
He participates to the XXI Triennale International Exhibition of Milan in 2016 with the work URSUS at the exhibition Rooms, curator Beppe Finessi.

ArkiZoic Manifesto

ArkiZoic style is determined by the rule, and the shape
1. METHOD ArkiZoic style stems from the heuristic method application, the use of analogy, symbol and metamorphosis. It seeks the rigor of the method but imprecision of result too. It has its foundation in mathematics, in Fibonacci numbers and the golden Ratio.

2. EVOLUTION Arkizoic style develops according to natural evolution, by the respect of tradition, the exploitation of chance and natural selection.

3. MATHEMATICS Arkizoic manifesto interprets mathematics as the ordering principle of nature, a principle which is supported by studying the conduct of the Fibonacci numbers in the golden ratio. In particular the observation of analogies between the human figure and objective nature.

4. REPRESENTATION ArkiZoic form cannot be represented by geometric design, the executives are sketches that convey the emotion of the project. The drawings are produced after the end of physical realisation.

5. STRUCTURE Complexity is typical of living beings as the known forms are the result of millions of years of evolution. The reading of ArkiZoic work observed a musical recording with several melodies, the rhythm comes from the frequency of the adjacent elements and the possibility of an ideal continuation of the same. The Arkizoic works have articulation and they are constructed so that they can not ever really be considered finished.

6. SYMMETRY Natural forms are linked to the concept of imperfect symmetry. The order is determined by the symmetrical principle but the perfect membership to this principle is not binding, but rather disturbing perception.

7. MATERIALS Used only natural and traditional materials. There are no prefabricated artificial or recycled materials. The materials require maintenance, show evident signs of working and age, and they are rough.

8. DECORATION ArkiZoic form presents board, surface and punctual decoration. It is inspired by nature, from the animal kingdom to the vegetable one, and by tradition.
