Drama Go! Go! Go!

Drama Go! Go! Go! is a 2012 Chinese television series produced by Ruby Lin and directed by Danny Dun. It stars Ruby Lin, Jiro Wang and Lin Gengxin in the lead roles. The series was first aired on Hunan Satellite TV on 3 November 2012.


As story that centers on the messy, but sweetly satisfying romantic life of 30-year-old female scriptwriter named Wang Ming Ming. During a writer's block, she developed a crush on the lead singer of the no longer popular duo HE, an idol by the name of Eason. On a whim, Ming Ming decides that Eason will be the perfect candidate for the lead role of her drama. Eason and his manager is eager to take it to increase his waning popularity, except that Eason is quite possibly a terrible actor, and pretty soon is in danger of getting written off the drama when the lead actress threatens to quit. To ensure he doesn’t get written off, he starts trying to seduce Ming Ming, hoping that by dating the screenwriter he can stay on the drama.


Ruby Lin said she got to pick the actors for the show and wanted to work with people she hadn't worked with before. Lin stated, "I picked Jiro Wang for the main role because he seems to have this natural comedic side to him. I've seen some of his work before and he is not really the Prince Charming type. Rather, he pretends that he is the very hunky type, so it's quite funny. He was perfect for this character."
