Draga Ahačič

Draga Ahačič is a Slovene actress, film director, translator and journalist.
She was born in the small town of Črnomelj in the White Carniola region of Slovenia. During World War II, she was member of the Slovene National Theatre, which was operating within the Partisan resistance. After the War, she worked at the Drama theatre of Ljubljana, where she collaborated with the Slovene playwright and essayist Jože Javoršek. She later established the alternative theatre Ad Hoc, where she was an actress and director.
She has also written several books on several matters, including a poetic work on the interpretations of World War II in Slovenia. Her most important work is the book Gledališče pod vprašajem.
Ahačič is a translator. She has translated mostly from French, including authors as Marguerite Audoux, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Pierre de Marivaux.