Dovzhky, Slavuta Raion

Dovzhky - village in Ukraine of Slavuta Raion, Khmelnytskyi Oblast.

Area of the village totals is 4,36 km2 and the population of the village is about 952 people. Local government is administered by Dovzhkivska village council.


This village is located on the altitude of above sea level. It is a flat terrain at a distance from the regional center of Khmelnytskyi, from the district center Slavuta and from the Berezdiv.


The first written sources of the village have been preserved from the years 1594-1595. But in territory of village are found tools copper-stone age ).

Direction of the economy of the local population - agriculture and meat dairy farming.
Before the Second World War the population of village Dovzhky was about 2,000 people and was a few Jewish families.
A terrible fate awaited the Jews of Slavuta district during the fascist occupation of 1941 – 1942. All of them were taken to ghetto and killed by the Nazis.