Dosanjh Kalan

Dosanjh Kalan is a village in Phillaur tehsil of Jalandhar District of Punjab State, India. Kalan is Persian language word which means Big and Khurd is Persian word which means small when two villages have same name then it is distinguished with Kalan means Big and Khurd means Small used with Village Name.
It is situated on Phagwara-Mukandpur road. The village is from Phagwara, from Banga, from Jalandhar, and from the state capital at Chandigarh. The village is administrated by a Sarpanch who is the elected representative of the village.


The village has population of 3883 and in the village most of the villagers are from schedule caste which has constitutes 45.66% of total population of the village and it doesn't have any Schedule Tribe population.


The village has a girls only upper primary with secondary/higher secondary Punjabi medium school which was founded in 1911. The school provide a mid-day meal as per the Indian Midday Meal Scheme. The village also has some private co-ed schools such as:


The nearest train station is situated away in Goraya and Phagwara Jn Railway Station is 10 km away from the village.


The nearest domestic airport is away in Ludhiana and the nearest international airport is away in Amritsar other nearest international airport is located in Chandigarh.

Notable people