Dorze people

The Dorze are a small ethnic group inhabiting the Gamo Gofa Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region in Ethiopia. They speak the Dorze language, an Omotic tongue.
According to Ethnologue, the Dorze numbered 29,000 individuals, of whom 9,910 were monolingual. They primarily live in the southern parts of the country, though some have migrated to Addis Ababa and other regions. Many reside in villages near the cities of Chencha and Arba Minch.
Weaving is a primary profession for a number of Dorze. Their polyphonic multi-part vocal music features a sophisticated use of hocket.

Recent attack on Dorze people

Communities of Dorze people live on the peripheries of Addis Ababa, mostly in the Burayu and Sebeta areas. A group of Dorze people had a conflict with some Oromo people. This issue got an immediate attention among the Qeerroo who are active in Ethiopian politics in recent years. The incident occurred as the Qeerroo were organizing themselves for the reception of the OLF leaders, on the 14 and 15 September—following political reform by Abiy Ahmed. This little conflict between the Dorze and Oromo people grew to a full-blown attack on the whole population of Dorze as the Qeerroo returned from the reception. The result was a universal massacring: killing the men and children with machetes, a ruthless raping of the women in front of their husbands and children, targeting specifically Dorze people living around Addis Ababa, on the 16 and 17 September 2018. Independent media sources called the killing a case of ethnic cleansing. In the Burayu area alone, the media has reported that 23 people have been killed, more than 500 have been injured and over 15000 people have been displaced.. Other sources citing data from the police have confirmed that more 60 people have been killed
The government media claims that the attack has been stopped by the security forces. But, some people claim that the attack is still going on in a more systematic manner to completely remove the Dorze people out of the Oromo land. The killing triggered massive public protest in Addis Ababa.