Donald Trump judicial appointment controversies

President Donald Trump entered office with a significant number of judicial vacancies, including a Supreme Court vacancy due to the death of Antonin Scalia in February 2016. During the first eight months of his presidency, he nominated approximately 50 judges, a significantly higher number than any other recent president had made by that point in his presidency. By June 24, 2020, 200 of his Article III nominees had been confirmed.
, the American Bar Association had rated 220 of President Trump's nominees. Of these nominees, 150 were rated "well-qualified," 61 were rated "qualified," and 9 were rated "not qualified." Seven of the nine individuals rated as "not qualified" have been confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

Supreme Court

Confirmed nominees

Failed nominees

[United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit]

[United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit]

Failed nominees

[United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama]

[United States District Court for the Western District of Tennessee]

Failed nominees

[United States Court of Federal Claims]