Doctor Who and the Pirates

Doctor Who and the Pirates, or The Lass That Lost A Sailor, is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It is the first musical story in the series' history.


The Sixth Doctor and Evelyn confront the feared pirate captain Red Jasper, and the Doctor sings "I am the very model of a Gallifreyan buccaneer..."


The songs use substituted lyrics in tunes from various Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. These include: "I am the very model of a Gallifreyan buccaneer" based on the "Major General's Song", "An assassin's lot is not a happy one" on the "Policeman's Chorus", both from The Pirates of Penzance, and "I'm Jasper's man" on "I am so proud" from The Mikado. Music from more of their operettas is used elsewhere in it, such as one of the pirates humming "Rising Early In The Morning" from The Gondoliers.