Divna Ljubojević

Divna Ljubojević, sometimes called by just her first name, i.e. Divna, is a Serbian singer and conductor of Orthodox Christian sacred music of various languages; she is a founder, the conductor and artistic director of the Melodi ensemble, a "choir and studio for spiritual music". Lykourgos Angelopoulos, professor at the School of Byzantine Chant at the Conservatory of Athens, founder and director of the Greek Byzantine Choir, has described her as having one of the purest voices he has ever heard.

Early life

Ljubojević was born in 1970 in Belgrade, Serbia, then part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
She studied at the Mokranjac Music School and also graduated from the Novi Sad Musical Academy.
She practised in the Vavedenje monastery, near Belgrade, where trained by the sisters, she acquired the unique style derived from Karlovatz singing.


In 1988 Ljubojević started conducting the Mokranjac choir. She also conducted the First Belgrade Singing Society between years 1989 and 1991, becoming the youngest conductor in its history. Ljubojević has been also an active teacher of church and choir singing in France, Netherlands and England. In 1991 she founded the Melodi ensemble, composed of 10 singers. Today Ljubojevic and Melodi are popular music performers, with a musical tours in many places worldwide but mostly in Eastern and Western Europe; they have given more than 600 concerts in Europe.

Selected Discography