Distributed Denial of Secrets

Distributed Denial of Secrets is a whistleblower site. It is best known for its publication of a large and embarrassing collection of internal police documents, known as BlueLeaks.
The group's servers were located in Germany, and German authorities seized those servers.
Twitter, and other social media companies, cooperated with police, by suspending the group's accounts, and making their past posts inaccessible. Twitter cited its terms of service, which explicitly bars the distributing of “content obtained through hacking that contains private information, may put people in harm or danger, or contains trade secrets.” However, Emma Best, one of the group's founders, called twitter's actions "heavy-handed", as they suspended users whose tweets had linked to archives where leaked material could be found, they also suspended users whose tweets merely mentioned the leak.
The group also published material from German banks that listed Germans who were profiting from hiding their assets in tax havens.