Dirichlet convolution

In mathematics, the Dirichlet convolution is a binary operation defined for arithmetic functions; it is important in number theory. It was developed by Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet.


If are two arithmetic functions from the positive integers to the complex numbers, the Dirichlet convolution is a new arithmetic function defined by:
where the sum extends over all positive divisors d of n, or equivalently over all distinct pairs of positive integers whose product is n.
This product occurs naturally in the study of Dirichlet series such as the Riemann zeta function. It describes the multiplication of two Dirichlet series in terms of their coefficients:


The set of arithmetic functions forms a commutative ring, the ', under pointwise addition, where is defined by, and Dirichlet convolution. The multiplicative identity is the unit function ε defined by if and if. The units of this ring are the arithmetic functions f with.
Specifically, Dirichlet convolution is associative,
distributes over addition
is commutative,
and has an identity element,
Furthermore, for each having, there exists an arithmetic function with, called the
' of.
The Dirichlet convolution of two multiplicative functions is again multiplicative, and every not constantly zero multiplicative function has a Dirichlet inverse which is also multiplicative. In other words, multiplicative functions form a subgroup of the group of invertible elements of the Dirichlet ring. Beware however that the sum of two multiplicative functions is not multiplicative, so the subset of multiplicative functions is not a subring of the Dirichlet ring. The article on multiplicative functions lists several convolution relations among important multiplicative functions.
Another operation on arithmetic functions is pointwise multiplication: is defined by. Given a completely multiplicative function, pointwise multiplication by distributes over Dirichlet convolution:. The convolution of two completely multiplicative functions is multiplicative, but not necessarily completely multiplicative.


In these formulas, we use the following arithmetical functions:
The following relations hold:
This last identity shows that the prime counting function is given by the summatory function
where is the Mertens function and is the distinct prime factor counting function from above. This expansion follows from the identity for the sums over Dirichlet convolutions given on the divisor sum identities page.

Dirichlet inverse


Given an arithmetic function its Dirichlet inverse may be calculated recursively: the value of is in terms of for.
For :
For :
For :
For :
and in general for,


The following properties of the Dirichlet inverse hold:
Arithmetic functionDirichlet inverse:
Constant function with value 1Möbius function μ
Liouville's function λAbsolute value of Möbius function
Euler's totient function
The generalized sum-of-divisors function

An exact, non-recursive formula for the Dirichlet inverse of any arithmetic function f is given in Divisor sum identities. A more partition theoretic expression for the Dirichlet inverse of f is given by

Dirichlet series

If f is an arithmetic function, one defines its Dirichlet series generating function by
for those complex arguments s for which the series converges. The multiplication of Dirichlet series is compatible with Dirichlet convolution in the following sense:
for all s for which both series of the left hand side converge, one of them at least converging
absolutely. This is akin to the convolution theorem if one thinks of Dirichlet series as a Fourier transform.

Related concepts

The restriction of the divisors in the convolution to unitary, bi-unitary or infinitary divisors defines similar commutative operations which share many features with the Dirichlet convolution.
Dirichlet convolution is the convolution of the incidence algebra for the positive integers ordered by divisibility.