
The Dilruba is a bowed musical instrument from India. It is slightly larger than an Esraj and has a larger and square resonance box.
It was popularised in the west in the 1960s by acts like The Beatles in their psychedelic phase, for example on tracks like 'Within You Without You'.


Dilruba was created some 300 years ago by the 10th Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, who based it on the much older, and heavier, Taus This made it more convenient for the Khalsa, the Sikh army, to carry the instrument on horseback.

Construction Style

The structure of the Dilruba has a medium sized Sitar-like neck with 20 heavy metal frets. This neck holds on a long wooden rack of 12-15 sympathetic strings. The Dilruba has four main strings which are bowed. All strings are metal. The soundboard is a stretched piece of goatskin similar to what is found on a Sarangi. Sometimes the instrument has a gourd affixed to the top for balance or for tone enhancement. The instrument can be rested between the knees while the player kneels, or more commonly rested on the knee of the player while sitting, or also on the floor just in front of the player, with the neck leaning on the left shoulder. It is played with a bow with the other hand moving along the strings above the frets. The player may slide the note up or down to achieve the portamento, or meend, characteristic of Indian music.