Dildarnagar Kamsar

Dildarnagar kamsar,Kamsar-o-bar,or Kamsar, is a region in Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh. It consists of 26 places: Dildarnagar, Usia, Mircha, Rakasaha, Tajpur Kurrah, Gorasara, Mania, Khajuri, Kusi, Bhaksi, Jaburna, Dewaitha, Fufuao, Bahuara, Saraila, Chitarkoni, and Akhini and many more villages.


With regards to Ghazipur, the terms Bhumihar and Rajput are somewhat elastic, since the line of demarcation between these two communities is often extremely vagueness, both claiming a common origin in several instances, such as the case of the Kamsar Pathans. The Kamsar Pathans, who are found mainly in the Ghazipur District of eastern Uttar Pradesh. According to traditions, Maharaja Kam Dev Misir singh was an ancestor of the Kamsars, born in 1463 ruler of Vijay pur Sikri . and leader of forty thousand troops and fought alongside Rana Sanga of Mewar, who led a large Rajput alliance against the Mughal emperor Babar in the Battle of Khanwa, a place near Agra in 1527. Rana Sanga of Mewar and Dham Deo Rao were known to be friends. The Mughals were victorious and the Rajput army was scattered. After the defeat in battle. Dham Deo and Kam Deo came down to Ghazipur with their families and some followers because Kam Deo wanted a place better than Punjab to grow crops that's why he came to this place. The Kamsar region had 18 rivers when Kam Deo buyed this region name of the rivers are as follows: Ganges, Karmanasa, Durgavati, Suwara, Gangi, Kudra Dharmauti, Maghai, Tamsa River,Thora, Kudra,Eknaiya,Besu,Goria,kunkunhaiya,suwara river,Kohira and Bahagar river.Eknaiya is now referred to as a big tributary but before 100 years it was a large river. Refugees are said to have settled in a territory between Karmanasa River and Ganges in what is now Ghazipur district, Dham Deo and his followers settled in Gahmar, while Kam Deo settled in village Reotipur. Well Kam deo buyed this place but he also captured many places and became a king during Baburs rule. One time kamsar region was spread from Chandauli to Balia and from Ghazipur to kudra in Bihar state after Kam Dev his great grandson Narhar khan buyed Zamindari in till Azamgarh still we can see some village on the name of Narhar khan like Narharpur, Narharpur chamari,Narharpur dambar,Nathan khas,Narhan kala,Narhan,Narhan jamurna,Narhat,Narhan barwa and Narhan dih. According to the old records we get to know than Narhar's Zamindari had 21 rivers Ghagra, Gandhak,Sone, and all other 18 rivers. After that Narhar khan got name Jagirdar Sarkar Diwan Raja Narhar Khan Zamindar bahadur Taluka Saverai.During Narhar kamsar province was known as Narharpur which was spread over lakhs of Acres. According to the old records we get to know that Narhar khan was made Zamindar of Azamgarh, Varanasi, Balia, Ghazipur, Patna,Kudra,Chainpur, Bhabua,Rohtas,Mau and jagirdar of Kamsar province and Ghazipur, and Diwan of Banaras state by the emperor Sher shah suri and Akbar for more than 40 years. After Narhar his descents were given these post but after evolution of Banaras state the Saverai state was given into the hands of king of Banaras.
Subsequent to their arrival, both brothers and their followers entered into the service of Tikam Deo, the Cheru tribal chieftain of Birpur and bought his estate. After capturing Kam Deo and Dham Deo istablished sawerai state which consisted of all the villages in zamania and villages in Sherpur province and Chainpur, Bhabua and kudra in Bihar and Buxar. After a couple of generation, the community split into three main branches; after the founders Rajdhar Rai, Mukund Rai, and Pithaur Rai. Rajdhar Rai captured Birpur and one of his subdivisions settled in the Bara in Zamania, and adopted Islam. According to traditions, the adoption of Islam happened during the period of Sher Shah Suri rule over Ghazipur district, The first to adopt Islam was a Narhar Deo Rao, born in 1515, later called Narhar Khan after accepting of Islam in 1542. After that sons of Narhar khan established several villages.
Actually the word kamsar is taken from the Karmanasa River. Many of Narhar's brothers and cousins adopted Islam and they were said as Kamsar Pathan and the Kamsar province was build and Saverai Sarkar was founded by Narhar where all the Administrative works were done. An administrative head was chosen by the Emperor of India. The hole Kamsar-o-bar province consists of 65 villages the Dildarnagar Kamsar consists of only those villages which are founded by sons of Narhar. The hole Kamsar-o-bar region consists of in total 65 villages founded by relatives of Narhar khan and Chainpur,,Bhabua, and kudra city in Bihar founded by sons and grandsons of Dam deo. During Mughal Empire Kamsar province was divided into The Gahmar province, The Sherpur province, The Semra province, the Reotipur province, the middle Kamsar or Dildarnagar Kamsar province, the Nagsar province, the Rampur province, and the Daudpur province. The biggest were Sherpur.Middile kamsar and Daudpur.
Daudpur province when Narhar adopted Islam king sher shah suri made him jagirdar, sarkar and diwan of this region after that his sons carried these post and after that his great-grandson Sarkar Diwan Kootol Khan zamindar taloka saverai who was given the charge of saverai state.But one day zamindar of Bihar called Kootol in dinner and killed him getting angry with this his cousin Daud khan taken revenge from the zamindar. Getting happy with this Mughal emperor Jahangir given the title of bahadur and Daud became Raja-e-Daudpur jagirdar sarkar diwan daud khan zamindar bahadur taluka saverai and Akbar said to make daud's zamindari a new province in the name of Daud in kamsar name as Daudpur province in Saverai state. Daud was made king of Daudpur, jagirdar of Sawerai, Sarkar of Ghazipur and Diwan of Bihar during Akbar, Jahangir,and Shahjahan's rule.
Daudpur and jagirdar of SaweSai, sarkar of Ghazipur and Diwan of Bihar estate in During,Jahangiraand Shahjahan' s ngir. rule Daudpur province was sprealaks of Acres land. After that, great-grandson of Daud founded Dewaitha,jaburna,saraila,chitarkoni and Baraula, fufuao villages.Daudpur became into a large principality state in 1690 ADs.The Nawab was elected from these six villages and was responsible for all the Administrative works of this region. When India got freedom in 1947 then this culture was removed and the name Daudpur was removed and all of these six villages were separated.
The Gahmar province - When Kam Dev bought this area he given more than 15,000 acres of land in Kamsar to his younger brother Damdev being more than 20 years elder from Dam Dev he was only responsible to do this. When Dam came to this place he settled at maa khamakya dham near Gahmar. The Gahmar province was established by son of Dam Deo named as Raja Roop ram Rao and his sons.Dam's another son Raja Diwan Rao's sons established Chainpur,Bhabua,and kudra in bihar.
The Sherpur province - The Sherpur province was established by Babu Dullah Rao a great-grandson of Kam Dev and son of Narhar's brother name as Thakurai rao. Sherpur was the largest province of Kamsar spread over lakhs Acres In Mohammdabad tehsil of Gazipur district. Thakurai's other brother named as Hindu rao established several villages like Sikandarpur, Narayanpur, Rasulpur in Sherpur and Kamsar province.
The Semra province -The Semra province was established by jatan Rao in Kamsar who was brothers of Narhar khan Semra was spread over 50000 acres. Later their sons also established deferent villages in Kamsar near Sherpur.
The Rampur province -The Rampur province was established by Narhar's another brother name as Raja Ratan Deo Rao who was made the sarkar, and Diwan of Kamsar and gazipur district after Narhar for some time and another brother name as Raja Tejmal rao. Decendants of Ratan and Tejmal live in this province it was the third-largest province after Daudpur and Sherpur spread over 45,000 acres in Kamsar-o-bar.
The Nagsar province the Nagsar province was established by grandson of Kam Dev name as Raja Reosar Misir Sikarwar and brother of Maharaja Harish Chandra Misir. Reosar was first to attend the post of sarkar of Gazipur in Kamsar family. Sons of Roesar established different villages in Kamsar. And some of his descendants shifted to Kudra in Bihar state.
The Reotipur province The Reotipur province was fourth-largest province of Kamsar. Kam dev settled at Reotipur and his grandson's name as Harish Chandra Misir lived in Reotipur and another istablished nagsar but Reotipur was not a province during that time. Grandson of Harish Chandra and Brother of Narhar established Reotipur province name as Shahjamal rao. During British rule over India reotipur province was termed as pache sio hazar because twenty-five thousand rupees revenue was paid to British by the province sons of Shahjamal Rao established different villages in Kamsar and in Reotipur province.
-The Middle Kamsar province ''' while Mughal emperor said to make a province Daudpur which consisted of mainly fufuaon, Dewaitha, Jaburna, Saraila, Baraura and chitarkoni village rest of the villages founded by the descendants of Narhar khan were left so they were known as middle Kamsar province till 1689 after 1689 Dildarnagar was founded so because of this name the middle Kamsar province was changed to Dildarnagar Kamsar.
After independence, all of these provinces were removed and separate villages were made. While villages in Daudpur province and in middle kamsar province founded by Narhar khan's family were taken in Dildarnagar kamsar province now all the villages of Dildarnagar kamsar have there Maha gram panchayat in Usia village.