Di-Gata Defenders

Di-Gata Defenders is a 2006-2008 Canadian action/adventure science fiction and fantasy animated series created by Greg Collinson, LuxAnimation, and Nelvana Entertainment. The series follows the travels and adventures of six teenagers, part of an organization called the Di-Gata Defenders. Their mission as heroes is to defend RaDos against evil factions. The series aired for two seasons.


In 2005, Nelvana Entertainment created a project called the Funpack. It was designed to allow creators to pitch and create 5 minute interstitials. At the time, Greg Collinson didn't plan on pitching anything for this project until a colleague of his discussed about it on a train ride. He spent two weeks creating the "bible" for his series idea, which was initially named Power Stone Warriors. In this bible, he planned out the prototype characters, factions, and the universe the series would take place in. He later meets with the executives at Nelvana and Greg pitches his bible to them. Pleased with the promise this series had, Greg Collinson was given the greenlight to produce this series with help from Ken Cuperus, a script writer. The series then launched September 16, 2006 under its new name - Di-Gata Defenders.


In 2018 Disney XD began to broadcast reruns of the show. Prior to that, it had been available on Bell and Roger's KidSuite in 2016.

History of RaDos

The humans, or RaDosians, of this world came from another planet. The planet's inhabitants were mostly dark-skinned, white haired individuals with glowing blue eyes. However, these people were struck with a life-destroying Toten'Ka virus, which had spread across their planet and killed millions. A small team of RaDos Primes escaped from their planet on a starship. These original humans eventually crash landed in RaDos. The sun and atmosphere of RaDos began to take effect on their physical forms, turning them into the people of the current timeline. But in doing so, they eventually exiled the original inhabitants, the Mortigarians, a race of amphibious snake-like humanoids to live under the sea. The people that live in RaDos as of the current timeline are the descendants of these first RaDosians.
Before the humans arrived in this world, mystical beings called the Primordials roamed the realm. Their bodies used mystical energies as their life force. As they died, their life force leeched into the rocks of Di-Gata Mountains. Humans soon crash landed on the planet, caused by a stowaway creature named the Wrath-norak and a virus from their dying planet. Under Rados' sun, man's skin colour soon changed. Man was then able to mine the enchanted rocks found in the mountains, but were only able to recover energy from eight of the eleven sigils. Many rocks were mined by man, then carved into dice-like Di-Gata stones, and these were then carved with the sigil their power contained. From this point onward, anyone who used these stones were called stone casters or stone-slingers. It was believed that the first people who used these stones of power were called the Chi'Brek Tribe. This tribe was also the first tribe to document the arrival of the human race onto the planet.
There are currently ten known power forms in RaDos called Sigils. These sigils take up energy forms inside of Di-Gata Stones. But because the power of one sigil isn't as strong as the other, multiple sigils must be used, creating Henges. This creates a far greater concentration of power. However, some sigils do not need to be formed into henges, due to the extreme power that is contained within them. The thirteen Power Sigils are:
"The beginning and the end, both portions of the whole, both parts of a cycle without end. See that they are the one and the same and achieve balance"
Casters choose how many Sigils to use and their combination. A single Sigil was not very powerful on its own, but combining multiple Sigils often led to unpredictable and uncontrollable powers. Most casters choose to specialize in only one or two sigils, to make sure they retain complete control of their power at all times. Otherwise, miscasting would become common and hazardous to both the caster or their allies.
In short, these stones contain great power. However, some were not using it for the purposes for good. The Wizards of Yan, a powerful order of RaDos' most powerful wizards and stone-casters formed a group, the Di-Gata Defenders. These Defenders were trained to use these stones to police the realm against those who would use such power for evil purposes.
But amongst their own ranks, a wizard named Nazmul wanted to keep all the power of the realm for himself. So he recruited powerful stone casters of his own and formed the Order of Infinis. Nazmul's goal was to achieve eternal life by any means necessary and establish his own rule in RaDos.
As the Order continued to flourish, Nazmul managed to find a way to re-create a guardian called the Megalith using a large portion of the Realm's energy. This beast had unparalleled power and virtually made Nazmul invincible. The creation of the Megalith forced the Di-Gata Defenders of the previous generation to engage it. The Wizards of Yan came up with a ritual, the Spell of Binding to counter this unbeatable foe. They hired Brim, a stone-carver to create the four Pure Stones, which were the casting mediums for this spell.
In the final battle, they used the Four Pure stones against the Megalith and sealed him within the Pure Stones using the Machine of Binding. However, the generation of Di-Gata Defenders made the ultimate sacrifice and also destroyed a portion of the land around the Machine. Nazmul's first body ends up being destroyed as well.
Four of the five children of the original Defenders were then taken to a secret Dojo, to go for training to prepare for the day when the Megalith should break free from his seal. After sensing the Megalith was about to come forth, they left their Dojo behind and ventured forth into the realm, to continue where their parents left behind - to seal the Megalith once more and stop anyone who dares to relive their horrifying incident.
However, they do succeed in stopping the Megalith, and crush the Order. Instead of sealing the Megalith as they first planned, they destroyed it with their combined efforts. For if they had proceeded with the seal, it would have brought forth the apocalypse of RaDos. The sealing was meant to be a cycle, to not only keep the Megalith imprisoned but also to keep the Di-Gata vampires known as the Ethos in check. The Ethos want one thing: to merge their world with RaDos, so they can have an unlimited supply of Di-gata energy, which when depleted, could very well bring the end of life to the entire realm. Now with the assistance of Rion, the six Defenders must now stop this ancient evil, as recompense for breaking the cycle and to save RaDos.
Eventually they discover a machine called the Celestial Abyss created by Filch to keep the Ethos out of Rados. They set out to find it only to discover that the wizards have scattered different pieces of it all over Rados. They find all of the pieces except for one, which is with Filch and Malco. Malco steals the rest of the pieces and Filch builds the machine. This unleashes the Ethos who reveal that Malco is possessed by one of them and they destroy him. The Defenders also receive a terrible blow as Rion gives in to his Ethonosian half. Adam turns him human just before the life force is sucked out of him and the others. Rion unleashes his anger and remorse by transforming the Celestial Abyss into his armour and defeating the Ethos after which Rados and her people go back to normal.

Provinces of Rados

Extending to the east of the province of Yin-Tos is a large expanse known as the 'Blasted Flats.' Essentially, it is a plain that seems to be made of glass and is uninhabitable. No one has ever traveled to the end of the Blasted Flats, but there is a legend that it was made by the ancient Bakkorians, presumably to keep something out of RaDos.




Order of Infinis - The Order of Infinis was formed by a corrupt Wizard of Yan, Nazmul, who sought power and eternal life. They were the main antagonists of Season 1. In the end, Nazmul was sealed away, Brackus was banished to the Dark Realm for high treason, and the Yin-Tos army was destroyed in a civil war at the Spell Zone. Flinch was believed to be the only surviving member of the Order, until Brackus was found out to still be alive and Flinch somehow managed to find Malco again. The duo made an alliance with the Ethos to free Nazmul. The high members of the Order were once allies of the Defenders and helped to defeat the Ethos.
Ethos - Like the Order of Infinis, they are an organization with evil intentions. Long before the formation of the Order of Infinis, the Wizards of Yan imprisoned the Ethos in the Dark Realm, after the battle of Sum-Yan, using the Celestial Abyss. As part of their imprisonment, the Megalith was created as a result. When the Megalith was destroyed, it caused a force of energy powerful enough to release four Ethos back into Rados. Their plan is to merge both the Dark Realm and RaDos together, giving the Ethos what they desire: The Di-Gata energy they feed on, which will eliminate all life on the planet. They have made an alliance with the weakened Order of Infinis and have taken control over Malco.
Wizards of Yan - The most powerful beings of Rados who hold enormous power. The Wizards were responsible for the creation of the Di-Gata Defenders to protect the Realm from evil. They were responsible for building the Machine of Binding, and the Celestial Abyss, as well as sealing away the Ethos and Megalith. Nowadays, they no longer exist except for a select few. Nazmul, Professor Alnar and Melosa including her grandmother are the only known Wizards.
Rougon - The most hated hunters in all of the Realm. Rougon are human hunters and do anything for profit. Their base is located underwater, a perfect place for buying illegal items and other treasures. Their hideout was destroyed by the Defenders after the Yinicor was released from its prison.
Di-Gata Defenders - The protectors of Rados formed by the Wizards of Yan to protect the realm and its people from those who would use its sigil energy for evil. However, many Defenders over the years were killed in the line of duty and some defected over to the Order of Infinis. The current Defenders are Seth, Melosa, Erik, Rion, Adam and Kara and other notable Defenders were Rayald, Formally Malco and the current Defenders' parents.
Yin-tos Army - They were once allies of to the Wizards of Yan against the Ethos in the Battle of Yan-Suma, then a subgroup of the Order of Infinis forces. These are mercenaries who are motivated by money and will go to any means to acquire it, but in the past were courageous warriors who fought to protect RaDos from evil. They swore allegiance to Brackus and were under the sub-command of General Rube. After the collapse of the Order, some Yin-tos soldiers went to work for the Ethos.
Gatashin Monks - The group of monks who carried out quite a few tasks involving the Pure Stones. Four monks each carried a Pure Stone and hid it away, and some took the young Defenders to the Dojo, with the exception of Adam. The Key was hidden in the Amos-Yan Monastery, and guarded by the monks. A sub-sect of these monks also operate the Gatashin Prison, used to contain criminals that use RaDos' power for evil.
The Zad - A race of humanoid ant-eaters. They serve and carry out the will of Ethos.
Yan-Nega class Wizards - They are wizards from the time of the Ethos. Kor Yin-an, a Yan-Nega class wizard who was with the Wizards at the Battle of Yan-Suma, wanted to betray them so he could plead for his life, but found himself locked up in a tomb for his betrayal.
Ogaman Federation - A group that Aaron the Hunter served with. They were formerly in possession of the Tome of Al-mortigar.

RaDos sorcery


There were four online games available for the show:
  1. Di-Gata Sigil Shooter
  2. DiGata Defenders: Invasion of Infinis
  3. Power Stone Combat
  4. Di-Gata Battle Training
The ATV and Battle games were also available on Teletoon.com while the show was airing.
In Di-Gata Online, they have four provinces unlocked, each containing a quest and re-playable mini-game after finishing the quest for that province. The battle arena is currently playable, but it has some bugs in it.
Di-Gata.com also released a battle training game based on the trading cards and stones game. It had four quests open and cost $15 CDN to get involved.
There was also a game produced for the Nintendo DS.


Di-Gata Stones draw upon the mystic energy that simmers below the surface of the realm, and unleash it in the form of pure power. Each warrior has a different arsenal of Di-Gata stones. In battle, a warrior must choose how to use his stones to maximum effect, analyzing and opponent's strengths and weaknesses and deciding when to unleash their most powerful attacks.
There are nine types of stones, each having a different role of a Di-Gata battle.
There are currently ten known Power Sigils, each used to tap into a unique aspect of the realm's energy through dice-like Di-Gata Stones. Individually, each Sigil is capable of unleashing a burst of raw energy, but when used in combination with each other, the energy aspects blend together to form a Henge. Not only does this create a far greater concentration of power, it also allows access to other kinds of destructive or helpful powers. These sigils are also inscribed on various locations, objects, articles of clothing and sometimes as birthmarks or tattoos on the people's faces.To study the Sigils one must first realize that no sigil is evil and no sigil is good. The sigils transcend these moralistic notions, they represent parts of the whole and could never exist without their opposites. It is through the combination of Sigils that one creates true power, this is why pupils focus their study on two sigils, a single sigil is of limited value and power on its own.
Ogama, the sigil of Order. To study Ogama is to seek control and order in all things, even in chaos.
The Architect of creation, born out of chaos, Ogama's sphere of influence covers meanings from authoritarian to tranquil control. Studying Ogama allows the person to see that even in times of chaos and turmoil, there is still some hope to see order or control.
The Sigil: Ogama consists of an arch with two small bars and a bar struck through at the top. The arch represents the containment of something and the two small bars jutting out from the arch to give it a firm footing. The bar at the apex of the arch signifies the single power controlling all that is encompassed by the arch.
As a warrior sigil, Ogama's side points and the one atop its arc are used. As a booster, Ogama is either connected to the base sigil using the top bar on the arc, or used as a separate sigil.
Used by: Erik, Doku, and Bo.
Guardians: Robutus, Lockdown, Voltantis, and Si'i.
Opposite Sigil: Dako
Infinis, the sigil of Eternity. To study Infinis is to learn and understand the universes’ constant circle of life. The orb of life, Infinis’ sphere of influence covers meanings from greatness to fate. To study Infinis is to learn to see the continuity and connectivity of all things.
The Sigil: Infinis consists of a winding path with two protruding bars. This represents the fact that all paths lead to the endlessly cyclical nature of creation.
As a warrior sigil, Infinis usually uses the two sides points, but can have another sigil strike through it. As a booster, it can attach itself to complete a sigil, or replace a certain part of a sigil.
Used by: Erik, Adam, Brackus, Flinch, and a nameless warlord.
Guardians: Firefox, Anaconduit, Dreadcrow, Darkviper, Lockdown, and the Megalith.
Opposite Sigil: Altas
Yin, the sigil of Youth. To study Yin is to see the Realm through fresh eyes everyday and to overturn the past in favour of the new. Energy of the Realm, Yin's sphere of influence covers meanings from inexperience to boundless enthusiasm.
The Sigil: Yin is composed of a split bar with another smaller bar driven through it. This represents the sapling growing, reaching its searching tendrils out above the ground. Another amusing interpretation put forward by Disciples of Yan is that Yin represents a man turned on its head, feet in the air peddling madly.
As a warrior, Yin either has the top two points used, or anything below the horizontal line, depending on the sigil. As a booster, Yin has the tendency to use its top two points to replace a line with only one.
Used by: Kara, Rion, Adam, Flinch, a nameless warlord, Malco, Snare, and Kid Cole.
Guardians: V-Moth, Vehemoth, Dreadcrow, Darkviper, Protozoa, and Voltanis.
Opposite Sigil: Yan
Yan, the sigil of Wisdom. To study Yan is to seek the wisdom of the ancients and knowledge from the past. Father of all, Yan's sphere of influence covers meanings from enlightenment to caution.
The Sigil: Yan is composed of a twice bent bar struck through by a large bar. This represents the past and the present unchanging and the knowledge and wisdom that comes from age.
As a warrior, Yan either has the vertical line replaced or the north and south ends are in use. As a booster, Yan will be either on top of the base sigil, or even inside it.
Used by: Mel and Adam.
Guardians: Draykor, Arvengus, Protozoa, and Si'i.
Opposite Sigil: Yin
Nega, the sigil of Force. To study Nega is to learn that destruction and severance are roads to greater things. The hammer of creation, Nega's sphere of influence covers meanings from barbarity to potency.
The Sigil: Nega is composed of a lightning bolt struck through by a bar. This bar is called "The Handle of Force". This represents destructive power that is controlled by an overseeing force. No force is random, no force is meaningless, force always has direction.
As a warrior, Nega's top bar is always used. As a booster, when there's just one, it either replaces horizontal lines, or cuts through the sigil. When there's more than one, Nega acts more as extensions or replacements.
Used by: Seth, Rion, and Kid Cole.
Guardians: Anaconduit, Darkviper, Arvengus, Tormentor, Stinger.
Opposite Sigil: Sum
Dako, the sigil of Chaos. To study Dako is to accept and embrace change. Mother of all creation, Dako's sphere of influence covers meanings from complete anarchy to disarray. To study Dako is to ride the wanton breeze of change, to feel its ebb and flow.
The Sigil: Dako is composed of an orbit struck through by a broad bar. This represents the broken path, the shattered cycle that is Dako.
As a warrior, Dako's vertical line is the key. As a booster, when there's just one, it either sits underneath the warrior sigil or on top of the sigil. When there's more than one, it either adds on to the main sigil or replaces a part of it.
Used by: Seth, Doku, Bo, Kali, Kid Cole, Finn, Malco/Dark Malco, Brackus, and The Zads.
Guardians: Kragus, Omnikragg, Revoldenn, Tormentor, Taurius.
Opposite Sigil: Ogama
Sum, the sigil of Peace. To study Sum is to seek inner peace and to know the undying nature of the Realms energy. The reflecting pool of creation, Sum's sphere of influence covers meanings from harmony to. To study Sum is to know the undying nature of the Realms energy and the rebirth of all.
The Sigil: Sum is composed of two spheres, one inside the other, attached by two bars. This represents the peace within. Some claim that the symbol is representative of the child in the womb but there is nothing to substantiate this.
As a warrior, Sum tends to have sigils on top, underneath it, and/or inside it. As a booster, it does the same action except onto another sigil.
Used by: Mel, Snare, and Finn.
Guardians: Sliver, Revoldenn.
Opposite Sigil: Nega
Altas, the sigil of Balance. To study Altas is to know the center, to feel the balance of the sigils. The fulcrum, Altas’ sphere of influence covers meanings from equality to stasis.
The Sigil: Altas is composed of a sphere with four protruding bars. This represents the fact that all paths are connected and unchanging.
As a warrior, Altas uses all four points to its advantage. It is rarely used as a booster.
Used by: Kara, and Kali.
Guardians: Megalith, Omniaxor, Omnikrag.
Opposite Sigil: Infinis
Vitus is the sigal of Renewal. It is a new sigil described in the episode Vitus. Seth had a Vitus stone carved by Brim, but it could only be used once. The stone was used on Melosa after she was taken over by the Megalith in 'One Down', its power then was to purge its presence from her. It is unknown whether Vitus will reappear elsewhere in the series. Created by a mysterious stone carver in the Kingdoms of Maligor, Vitus is a bit of a Legend in Rados. Few have seen it and even fewer have used its enigmatic power. Encompassing the powers of renewal, it is said the Vitus Sigil can bring the dead back to life and grow crops for thousands to eat. But as there is no recorded use of the sigil that can be confirmed, its power remains a mystery. There is a popular folk tale that claims the Amican Forest was create by a Vitus Stone cast by Kor Yin-an to create a magical retreat for the wizards of Yan, but there is nothing to substantiate this.
The Ninth Sigil also has no known opposite like the other eight sigils which makes it a very unbalanced and combustible power. Theoretically it will only function once and then the stone will be consumed.
The Vitus Sigil represents a spring of water, thrusting up through the two layers of the Realm; the physical and the metasigical.
Used by: Seth
Guardians: None
Ethos: This sigil was first introduced by Alnar when he explained to the Defenders about the coming of the Ethos. The Zad and some Ethos emissaries are the only beings in the series so far that use Ethos Stones. It can combine with other sigils to form attacks involving dark sorcery. Also dubbed the "Shadow Stone" by some people. it was confirmed by Greg Collinson to be called Ethos or Mortagor. Strangely, there has been no mention of what the opposite of Ethos is, although it is obvious there is one since it can be cast in stone form. As a warrior, Ethos uses the two bottom horizontal lines. It has not yet been used as a booster.
Used by: The Zads
Guardians: none
Opposite Sigil: Nostrum Vitae
Nostrum Vitae: When Brackus is a healer, he carries a stone around with another sigil on it. This sigil is confirmed to be called Nostrum Vitae, it was confirmed by Greg Collinson in the Di-Gata Forums. It was introduced in "The Healer". He uses it against Tormentor, causing him to turn to dust upon contact with its power. Like Ethos, there is no mention of the opposite of Nostrum Vitae, although it is assumed to have one, since the stone was used more than once
Used by: The Healer
Guardians: Nostrum Vitae Mask
Opposite Sigil: Ethos
Orn-Ra and Mal-Ra:
During the main theme for season 2, there are two instances when new sigils appear. The first is when Eric is seen with his welding equipment, working on a yellow-colored stone. The sigil itself looks like a miniature Dako with an X on top of it. This sigil has been confirmed to be either Mal-Ra or Orn-Ra.
The second instance is when immediately after Eric is wearing a blue-violet colored cloak with the first stone. He then rotates to show a vermillion-colored stone in his hand. This sigil has been dubbed as the XT sigil and has been confirmed to be the opposite of the sigil mentioned above.
Brim apparently knows of their existence and how to carve them, but has had that knowledge transferred to Erik, who is now a master carver.

Key technology

In the Realm, most technology is carved from stone, or metal and powered by Di-Gata Stones.
The Key
Erik's Gauntlet
Yan-Altas Container
Sigil Stormer
Replicator Stone
The Machine of Binding
The Shift Stone
Celestial Abyss
The Guardianizer
Seth's Mech arm
Wizard Tower

Henge/Champion Stones

Phase Stone
The Nova Stone
The Flawed Stone
Tracking Stone
Transporter Stone
Shaman's Stone
The Eternity Stone
Annihilator Stone