Destiny Ridge

Destiny Ridge is a Canadian television drama series, which aired on Global in the 1990s. Produced by Atlantis Communications in conjunction with a German firm, the series premiered on November 29, 1993.
Shot on location in Jasper National Park, the series centred on Don Jenkins, Julie Fryman, Sam Whitehorse and Walt Pernecki, park wardens trying to defend the park from a real estate speculator, Jack Kilbourn, who wanted to acquire land in the park for a development. Elke Sommer also starred as Anna Hansen, the owner of a small tourist lodge in the park who found herself in a love triangle with Jenkins and Kilbourn.
For its second season, the German production partner discontinued its involvement with the series, which Atlantis then "rebooted" as a more adult-themed soap opera, with new cast additions including Rebecca Jenkins, Laurie Holden and Kavan Smith, and the setting shifted to the nearby town of Argent. According to the producers, the second season revamp was more in line with the type of show they had originally wanted to make, and the wilderness "adventure drama" format of the first season had been at the behest of the German partners.
The series was a Gemini Award nominee for Best Dramatic Series at the 9th Gemini Awards in 1995.
Global announced the show's cancellation in June 1995, after its second season. In its place, Global picked up another series from Atlantis Communications, Traders, which debuted in 1996.