
Derrinturn is a village in County Kildare, Ireland. It is part of the parish of Carbury. It is located about from Dublin.
The main road through Derrinturn is the R403 regional road.
The village had a population of 1,602 in 2016. From 1961 to 2016, the population increased from 183 to 1,602. In the 20 years between 1996 and 2016, the population tripled.
Derrinturn has one Roman Catholic church and a primary school St. Conleth's.
Derrinturn townland has an area of. It borders the townlands of Ballyhagan to the west, Ballyshannon to the east, Coonagh to the east, Dreenan to the south, Newbury Demesne to the north, and Rathmore to the south.