Richter was born in Bath, Somerset, third child of Charles A Richter, co-founder of the family firm, Bath Cabinet Makers. From Oundle School he won a scholarship to Magdalen College, Oxford, where he gained a first-class honour's degree in Chemistry. At Munich University he worked under Nobel Prize-winning Heinrich Wieland. In 1931 he gained a PhD for the autoxidation of aldehydes. He then moved to Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins Biochemical Laboratory at Cambridge alongside Nobel laureates Ernst Chain, Richard Synge, Frederick Sanger, Hans Krebs and Archer Martin. This was a defining period, working with :de:Hermann Blaschko|Hermann Blaschko on monoamines that have great physiological interest. A year before the outbreak of World War II, he took a post at the Maudsley Hospital to work on amphetamines. Married to Beryl Ailsa Griffiths, with whom he had three children, he set up a wartime research laboratory for treating shell-shock in the Mill Hill Emergency Hospital. Despite taxing commitments, he simultaneously qualified in medicine at St Bartholomew's Hospital. In 1947 Richter received a Rockefeller Foundation grant to set up a laboratory in the Whitchurch Psychiatric Hospital, Cardiff. Four years later, with one of the first Geiger counters to measure radioisotopes in the country, he and RMC Dawson had isolated nuclei from the cells of the cerebral cortex and demonstrated changes in brain metabolism with changes in brain function. With Linford Rees he carried out early work on biochemical changes concerning epilepsy and electroconvulsive therapy and collaborated with W. Grey-Walter in EEG studies. With Miki Gaitonde, he worked on the metabolic activity of proteins of the brain. At Carshalton, Richter gathered a multidisciplinary international group of scientists with a global approach to their research. He became involved with the World Health Organization, and Amnesty International. In retirement he was elected a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and wrote a series of humanitarian books. Typically, his last book was intended for foreign visitors. Concern for the childless women prompted him, through medical colleague Bertold Wiesner to become one of the first sperm donors at Mary Barton 's insemination clinic in London. Some of these children have been identified by DNA markers. Between April 1945 and 1951 he made weekly contributions at a time when AID was strictly anonymous and very controversial. It was a precursor to modern developments in reproductive technology such as IVF, that are leading to changes in the structure of families. He continued to write and edit enlightened books, gardened passionately and joined his second wife, Molly Bullock, in establishing South Lodge, a refuge in Epsom for discharged mental patients.
Notable works
Green DE, Richter D Adrenaline and adrenochrome. Biochem J31:596–616
Richter D Adrenaline and amine oxidase. Biochem J31-2022-2028
Richter D, Crossland J Variation in the acetylcholine content of the brain with physiological state. Am. J Physiol150:247–255
Dawson RMC, Richter D Effect of stimulation on the phosphate esters of the brain. Am. J Physiol160:203–211
Richter D, Hullin RP Isolated nuclei from cells of the cerebral cortex. Biochem J 48: 406–410
Gaitonde MK, Richter D The metabolic activity of proteins of the brain. Proc R Soc B145:83–99
Richter D ed. Perspectives in Neuropsychiatry, HK Lewis & Co. London
Richter D, Reiss M, Elkes J, Hapoold FC, Weil-Malherbe H, Harris GW Ignorances in biochemistry, endocrinology and pharmacology, in Tanner JM ed. Prospects in psychiatric research. Blackwell Scientific Publishers, Oxford pp. 109–155
Gaitonde MK, Richter D The metabolic activity of proteins of the brain, Proc Roy Soc B,145:83–99
Richter D ed. Schizophrenia: Somatic aspects. Pergamon Press, London Balazs R, Richter D.
Balázs R; Richter D. Observations on the mechanism of the aerobic control of Glycolysis in Brain Mitochondrial Fraction. Biochem J74:30pp
Balázs, R; Machiyama, Y; Hammond, GJ; Julian, T; Richter, D. The operation of gamma-aminobutyrate bypath of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in brain tissue in vitro. Biochem J116:445-61