Deplorable Pride

Deplorable Pride is a conservative LGBT organization in Albemarle, North Carolina, in the Charlotte metropolitan area that supports United States President Donald Trump and his administration. It has been described as "alt-right." Deplorable Pride was created on June 6, 2017, as a group of LGBT Trump supporters who wanted a float in the Charlotte Pride Parade, which it was denied. Charlotte Pride said they denied the group's participation because of Deplorable Pride's anti-LGBT and other views which did not comport with its mission. GLAAD also criticized Deplorable Pride's views, calling it a "fringe alt-right" group and highlighting several hostile statements from the organization, including comments by Deplorable Pride leader Brian Talbert that he would kill “every single” Muslim and several other statements using slurs and profanities to refer to LGBT people and Muslims. On July 26, 2017, Deplorable Pride came out in support of President Trump's tweets announcing he would be banning transgender individuals from military service in the United States Army. On May 12, 2018, Talbert was arrested and charged with assault on a female during an altercation with counter-protesters.