In general, there does not exist a natural concept of a "volume" for a parallelotope generated by vectors in a n-dimensional vector space V. However, if one wishes to define a function that assigns a volume for any such parallelotope, it should satisfy the following properties:
If any of the vectors vk is multiplied by, the volume should be multiplied by |λ|.
If any linear combination of the vectors v1,..., vj−1, vj+1,..., vn is added to the vector vj, the volume should stay invariant.
These conditions are equivalent to the statement that μ is given by a translation-invariant measure on V, and they can be rephrased as Any such mapping is called a density on the vector space V. Note that if is any basis for V, then fixing μ will fix μ entirely; it follows that the set Vol of all densities on V forms a one-dimensional vector space. Any n-form ω on V defines a density on V by
Orientations on a vector space
The set Or of all functions that satisfy forms a one-dimensional vector space, and an orientation on V is one of the two elements such that for any linearly independent. Any non-zero n-form ω on V defines an orientation such that and vice versa, any and any density define an n-form ω on V by In terms of tensor product spaces,
''s''-densities on a vector space
The s-densities on V are functions such that Just like densities, s-densities form a one-dimensional vector space Vols, and any n-form ω on V defines an s-density |ω|s on V by The product of s1- and s2-densities μ1 and μ2 form an -density μ by In terms of tensor product spaces this fact can be stated as
Formally, the s-density bundle Vols of a differentiable manifold M is obtained by an associated bundle construction, intertwining the one-dimensional group representation of the general linear group with the frame bundle of M. The resulting line bundle is known as the bundle of s-densities, and is denoted by A 1-density is also referred to simply as a density. More generally, the associated bundle construction also allows densities to be constructed from any vector bundleE on M. In detail, if is an atlas of coordinate charts on M, then there is associated a local trivialization of subordinate to the open coverUα such that the associated GL-cocycle satisfies
Densities play a significant role in the theory ofintegration on manifolds. Indeed, the definition of a density is motivated by how a measure dx changes under a change of coordinates. Given a 1-density ƒ supported in a coordinate chartUα, the integral is defined by where the latter integral is with respect to the Lebesgue measure on Rn. The transformation law for 1-densities together with the Jacobian change of variables ensures compatibility on the overlaps of different coordinate charts, and so the integral of a general compactly supported 1-density can be defined by a partition of unity argument. Thus 1-densities are a generalization of the notion of a volume form that does not necessarily require the manifold to be oriented or even orientable. One can more generally develop a general theory of Radon measures as distributional sections of using the Riesz-Markov-Kakutani representation theorem. The set of 1/p-densities such that is a normed linear space whose completion is called the intrinsic Lp space of M.
In some areas, particularly conformal geometry, a different weighting convention is used: the bundle of s-densities is instead associated with the character With this convention, for instance, one integrates n-densities. Also in these conventions, a conformal metric is identified with a tensor density of weight 2.