Denise Hines

Denise A. Hines is an American psychologist doing research on domestic violence and sexual abuse with focuses on prevention, intervention, and public policy. She is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Education and scientific career

Hines received a B.S. degree in psychology in 1995 from the College of the Holy Cross. In 1997 she enrolled in the graduate program at Boston University, where she obtained her Ph.D in 2003 writing a thesis on domestic violence under the mentorship of Kimberly Saudino. For the subsequent two years, she was a post-doc at the Family Research Laboratory and Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, where she worked with Murray A. Straus and David Finkelhor. In 2007, she joined the faculty in the Department of Psychology at Clark University, where she co-directs the Clark Anti-Violence Education Program. She is also the director of the Family Impact Seminars, for state politicians and policymakers.

Scientific research

Hines studies the effectiveness of college prevention and intervention services for sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. She does this at her own university, by designing and evaluating the effectiveness of various interventions at the Clark Anti-Violence Education program.
In a series of projects, Hines have studied the physical and mental health of male victims of domestic violence from their female partners, as well as the mental and physical health of children that has witnessed domestic violence in their homes.


On the topic of domestic violence, Hines' has been interviewed or her research has been quoted by different media outlets, such as the Worcester Magazine the Colorado State University College News, Fox News, the Dallas Morning News, Finding Dulcinea, EmaxHealth, the Vancouver Sun in Canada, and Le Point in France.

Selected publications
