Demographic history of Serbian Banat

This is demographic history of Serbian Banat.


According to the 1910 census, the population of the territory of present-day Serbian Banat numbered 566,400 people, including:
According to the 1921 census, the population of Serbian Banat numbered 561,958 people, including:
Of the 169 communes in the Serbian Banat, 61 were predominantly South Slav-speaking, 29 German, 27 Magyar, 24 Romanian, 3 Slovak-Czech and 25 mixed.
By religion, the population of Serbian Banat in 1921 included:
In 1931, the population of Serbian Banat numbered 585,579 people, including:
In 1948, the population of Serbian Banat numbered 601,626 people, including:
In 1953, the population of Serbian Banat numbered 617,163 people, including:
In 1961, the population of Serbian Banat numbered 655,868 people, including:
In 1971, the population of Serbian Banat numbered 666,559 inhabitants, including:
In 1981, the population of Serbian Banat numbered 672,884 people, including:
In 1991, the population of Serbian Banat numbered 648,390 people, including:
According to 2002 census, the population of Serbian Banat numbered 616,202 people and was composed of:
According to 2011 census, the population of Serbian Banat numbered 534,875 people and is composed of: