Deepakbhai Desai

Deepakbhai Desai, referred as Pujya Deepakbhai Desai by his followers, is Indian spiritual leader from Gujarat, India. He heads Dada Bhagwan Foundation. He teaches the philosophy developed by .

Early life

was born on 9 May 1953 in Morbi, Saurashtra State, India. His family belonged to Vavania and his paternal ancestral home was next door to that of Shrimad Rajchandra. He is the youngest among five children. He graduated with a degree in the Mechanical Engineering from VJTI in Mumbai in the early 1970s. After graduating from college, he worked in the textile industry as a mechanical engineer for a few years. Later he founded a consulting firm working in the textile industry.
One day his elder brother told him about a Gnani Purush Ambalal Muljibhai Patel, whose knowledge of would help him concentrate in his studies. At that time, Pujya Deepakbhai was studying engineering at VJTI College in Bombay. This soft-spoken, humble and introverted young man found worldly life meaningless and cumbersome. Little did he know that meeting this Gnani would be a major turning point in his life, transforming His life beyond imagination.

Spiritual career

On March 6 1971, Pujya Deepakbhai attained Self Realization from , the enlightened One. He was seventeen years old at the time. This spiritual experience of Self Realization ignited within him a thirst for in-depth learning and understanding of the phenomenal knowledge of .
During the 1980s, was one of the chief disciples of Dada Bhagwan who recorded tapes of discourses of Dada Bhagwan. He helped Amin transcribe and compile tapes which were later published as volumes of Aptavani.
In 1987, Dada Bhagwan ordained him as Aptaputra who are allowed to conduct spiritual discourses. He traveled in India and abroad to conduct discourses.
After death of Dada Bhagwan in 1988, founded Dada Bhagwan Foundation. In 2003, she ordained Deepakbhai Desai to conduct Gnanvidhi ceremonies and 'transmit' self-realization.
After death of Niruben Amin in 2006, she was succeeded by Deepakbhai Desai to head the organisations.
holds religious discourses in person around the world and on television. Dada Bhagwan Foundation continues to build temples and publish works under his leadership.