
Deca-Dence is an original anime television series produced and animated by NUT. The series premiered on July 8, 2020.



In the latter part of the 2400s, air pollution reached lethal levels. As humanity hurtled toward extinction, they were also threatened by the emergence of life forms known as Gadoll causing the destruction of 90% of the world's population. Large corporations developed cyborgs to carry out human functions, but the cyborgs eventually began to outnumber humans and the Solid Quake corporation acquired rights to manage humanity. The company created a giant dome on the Eurasian continent in which they installed a colossal entertainment facility called Deca-dence, with its own independent all-governing system to make all decisions. The cyborg citizens could then safely experience adventure as human avatars at Deca-dence without the risk of real injury.


In the fortress city of Deca-dence, the lowly Tanker girl, Natsume, dreams of becoming a Gear warrior following her father's death during a Gadoll attack. She is assigned to a maintenance team led by Kaburagi whom she discovers is more than he appears. Kaburagi has a secret role in eliminating "bugs", humans who threaten Solid Quake's operations. When Kaburagi discovers that Natsume is listed as dead in the company database, he decides to keep her under observation and offers to train her to fight.



Production and release

The project was announced on July 5, 2019 by Kadokawa. It is directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa, written by Hiroshi Seko, its characters designed by Pomodorosa and Shinichi Kurita, and its music composed by Masahiro Tokuda. Tachikawa collaborated with Seko in both seasons of Mob Psycho 100 before.
While the first episode had an advanced premiere screening at FunimationCon 2020 on July 3, 2020, the series officially began airing on July 8, 2020 on AT-X and other channels. Funimation licensed for streaming the anime. The opening theme song, "Theater of Life", is performed by Konomi Suzuki, while the ending theme song, "Kioku no Hakobune", is performed by Kashitarō Itō.

Episode list