Dead Lucky (TV series)

Dead Lucky is a four-part Australian crime thriller drama series, written and created by Ellie Beaumont and Drew Proffitt, that broadcast on SBS from 25 July 2018. The series, produced by Subtext Pictures and directed by David Caesar, follows Grace Gibbs, a detective obsessed with catching an armed robber who murdered one of her junior officers, who her new trainee Charlie blames for the death of his best friend. The story surrounds a share-house of international students, a pair of corrupt shop owners, a grieving widow, and a gunman, who all collide, leaving one dead and another missing.
The series is one of three commissions made by SBS in 2017, alongside fellow crime thrillers Sunshine and Safe Harbour. The series was acquired by AMC Networks for premium subscription streaming service SundanceNow, which will screen the series in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and German-speaking territories in Europe. In the United States, the series premiered in full on 20 September 2018.


Home media

Umbrella Entertainment Released The Complete Series on DVD in April 2019.
TitleEp #DiscsRegion 4 Special FeaturesDistributors
Dead Lucky: The Complete Series423 April 2019-Umbrella Entertainment