De Munitionibus Castrorum

De Munitionibus Castrorum is a work by an unknown author. Due to this work formerly being attributed to Hyginus Gromaticus, its author is often called "Pseudo-Hyginus". This work is the most detailed surviving description of a Roman military camp and dates most probably from the late 1st to early 2nd century AD.

The author and the time of creation of the work

Very little is known about the author of De munitionibus castrorum. According to the text, his work was intended to be a useful manual about how to properly lay out a military camp, specially written for a high-ranked officer:
He also suggests that he was a beginner author and used other authors' works relevant to the theme:
The exact date of creation of the work is also uncertain. According to Domaszewski, it is certain that the work was not written before the time of the Roman emperor Trajan, and was before the reforms of Diocletian. Domaszewski suggested that the image of the camp best fits the early second century AD, prior to the reforms of Hadrian.
Experts, however, still dispute the date, ranging from the earliest dating to the rule of Domitian.
It is also disputed whether such a large camp was ever built by the Romans. Archaeological finds clearly show that in actual practice a military camp was not always so regularly organized, as suggested by the author.
But, as he describes even the smallest part of the camp, it may be adopted to the requirements of the practice. He also mentions some general rules which must be considered when constructing a camp, although most of them are obvious.

Original Manuscript

The text survives in the Codex Arcerianus, a collection of agrimensores in the Herzog-August-Bibliothek at Wolfenbüttel. However, it has been distorted by numerous corruptions, necessitating heavy editing. Thus, the text published by Domaszewski differs from that of Grillone, while Lenoir's text differs from both. A new Latin text has now been published.