David Plotz

David Plotz is an American journalist and former CEO of Atlas Obscura, an online magazine devoted to discovery and exploration. A writer with Slate since its inception in 1996, Plotz was the online magazine's editor from June 2008 until July 2014, succeeding Jacob Weisberg. Plotz is currently Editor at Large at Business Insider.

Early life and career

David Plotz grew up in Washington, D.C., the child of Dr. Judith Plotz, an English professor at The George Washington University, and Dr. Paul Plotz, researcher at the National Institutes of Health. He attended Lafayette Elementary School and the St. Albans School.
In 1992, Plotz graduated from Harvard University with an A.B. degree.


Plotz worked as a paralegal for the Department of Justice. He switched to journalism and served as a writer and senior editor for the Washington City Paper. He joined Slate when it launched in 1996.


Plotz has written for Slate, New York Times Magazine, Harper's, Reader's Digest, Rolling Stone, New Republic, Washington Post, and GQ. He won the National Press Club's Hume Award for Political Reporting in 2000, was a National Magazine Award finalist, for a Harper's article about South Carolina's gambling industry and won an Online Journalism Award for a Slate piece on Enron. He also appears on the weekly Slate Political Gabfest podcast with John Dickerson and Emily Bazelon.
He is the author of The Genius Factory: The Curious History of the Nobel Prize Sperm Bank about the Repository for Germinal Choice, and Good Book: The Bizarre, Hilarious, Disturbing, Marvelous, and Inspiring Things I Learned when I Read Every Single Word of the Bible, based on his "Blogging the Bible" series from Slate.com.

Personal life

He was married to Hanna Rosin, a former reporter for The Washington Post and a national correspondent for The Atlantic. They lived in Washington, D.C., with their three children. They have since divorced. Plotz is Jewish.

Published works