David Mitrani Arenal

David Mitrani Arenal is a Cuban writer, belonging to a generation that once was called novísimos. He has won several awards including the International Prize Anna Seghers in 1998 given it by Anna Seghers Foundation and the Academy of Arts in Berlin. In his country, he won the important Alejo Carpentier award in 2003.


David Mitrani Arenal began to be known in the nineties with the story book Modelar el barro that had won the literary contest Pinos Nuevos one year before. Years later he published the story book Santos lugares, and the novel Ganeden. Los malditos se reúnen, winner of the literary contest Alejo Carpentier, was released in 2003 and the novel Deja dormir a la bestia in 2011. His literary work is also extended to poetry. He has published the poems book Hereje inadvertido and the book of decimas, written with the poet Alexis Diaz Pimienta, Robinson Crusoe vuelve a salvarse, winner of the literary contest Cucalambé. As researcher he has worked with the Italian philologist: Giuliana Della Valle in the field of improvised oral poetry and they have published two books: Cuba Improvvisa and Caffè diVerso.


Stories in anthologies and magazines