David Hernandez (poet)

David Hernandez is an American poet and novelist. Most recently, he was awarded a 2011 National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship for Poetry.


His poems have appeared in FIELD, The Threepenny Review, Ploughshares, The Missouri Review, Kenyon Review, TriQuarterly, The Southern Review, Shade, Poetry Daily, AGNI, Epoch, Iowa Review, Pleiades. His drawings have appeared in Indiana Review.
His father Jaime A. Hernandez, migrated from Colombia to the United States at a young age; his mother Nancy Cornejo is originally from Chile. David is the descendant of a long line of poets dating back to the 1870s, the Gamboa family, and he was included in the book Los Gamboa: una Dinastía de Poetas published in 2008. The book has five of David's poems translated in Spanish by the book's author,
He teaches poetry at California State University, Long Beach, and teaches creative writing at California State University, Fullerton. He lives in Long Beach, California.


Poetry Books