David George Campbell

David George Campbell is an American educator, ecologist, environmentalist, and award-winning author of non-fiction.
Campbell spent his childhood on Eleuthera Island, Bahamas, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Grosse Pointe, Michigan. He received a BS in biology from Kalamazoo College, an MS in biology from the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. He is married to Karen S. Lowell, a phytochemist; they have a daughter.

Bahama Islands

From 1974-1977, Campbell was the executive Director of the Bahamas National Trust, the organization responsible for parks, reserves, and setting priorities for wildlife conservation in the Bahamian Archipelago. As director he established priorities for the protection of island-endemic species including the rock iguanas and hutias, and started the process of the Bahamas becoming a signatory to the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species. His career in the Bahamas accumulated in the publication of The Ephemeral Islands, the first natural history of the archipelago to be published since the 1800s.

Chincoteague Bay

From 1978-1983, Campbell elucidated the etiology of gray crab disease, an amoebic pathogen that every spring kills ca. 30% of the blue crabs in Chincoteague Bay, VA. His research showed that the disease is spread by cannibalism, mediated by ambient temperature and salinity.


In 1974, Campbell was a botanical explorer at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia in Manaus, Brazil, from where he staged expeditions to study the ethnobotany of the Jamamaji and Paumari Native Americans. Campbell joined the scientific staff of the New York Botanical Garden from 1984–1990, conducting floristic inventories throughout the Brazilian Amazon basin as part of the Projeto Flora Amazônica program; destinations included O Deserto on the Rio Xingu, the Rio Falsino, , the Rio Moa and Serra do Divisor National Park.
These expeditions resulted in several notable papers on allelopathy, várzea floodplain forests and anthropogenic lianaceous forests. The Acre expeditions were chronicled in A Land of Ghosts, which won the Lannan Literary Award for Nonfiction.

Antarctica, Africa and Asia

In the late 1980s and 1990s, Campbell shifted his research. He examined the impacts of elephants on west African forests, the diversity of subtropical forests in southern China, conducted research on the pathologies of krill and marine isopods in the waters of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, joined the sixth Brazilian expedition to Antarctica, and lived at that nation's Comandante Ferraz Base. This experience was chronicled in The Crystal Desert, which won the Burroughs Medal, the PEN Martha Albrand Award and the Houghton Mifflin Literary Fellowship Award.

Grinnell College

Since 1991 Campbell has been a professor of biology, chair of environmental studies and Henry R. Luce Professor in Nations and the Global Environment at Grinnell College. From 1994-2007 he and his Grinnell students conducted studies on the historical ecology of the Yucatec, Mopan and Kekchi Maya of Belize, using quantitative methods to test the long-held hypothesis that the Maya Forest is anthropogenic, even suggesting that its species composition was due to post-contact ranching. In 2010 Campbell extrapolated this controversial hypothesis to Amazonia, presenting evidence that pre-Columbian Native Americans caused a large-scale extinction of botanical diversity before the Europeans arrived.
