Division No. 1, Subdivision G, Newfoundland and Labrador

Division No. 1, Subdivision G is an unorganized subdivision on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. It is in Division 1 and contains the unincorporated communities of Baccalieu Island, Besom Cove, Bradley's Cove, Burnt Point, Caplin Cove, Daniel's Cove, Grates Cove, Gull Island, Job's Cove, Kingston, Long Beach, Lower Island Cove, Low Point, Northern Bay, Ochre Pit Cove, Red Head Cove, Riverhead, Smooth Cove and Western Bay.

Baccalieu Island

Bradley's Cove

Bradley's Cove is an abandoned community in Newfoundland and Labrador.
1871: BRADLEY'S COVE - A fishing settlement on the north shore of Conception Bay, district of Bay de Verds. Distant from Carbonear by road 16 miles. Mail weekly. Population 135. During the 1950s families began moving out of Bradley's Cove to nearby Western Bay, Adam's Cove and area mainly due to the lack of electricity and telephone. There are still house foundations and several root cellars intact, however is now an area where only sheep and cattle graze during the summer.

Burnt Point

Burnt Point is a small Canadian fishing village in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. It is located on the north side of Conception Bay on the Bay de Verde Peninsula of the island of Newfoundland. The community of Burnt Point for the most part is on gently sloping area much higher than the coast where the wharf and fishing boats were kept.

Daniel's Cove

Daniel's Cove is a resettled fishing village on the northwest tip of the Bay de Verde Peninsula nestled in a valley halfway between Grates Cove and Old Perlican.
Daniel's Cove lies in two small valleys treed with two rivers running through it, and it is probable that it was settled about the same time as Old and New Perlican in the late 18th century.
The economic base for this community was the small-boat inshore cod fishery, but serves as a summer home community for a number of family descendants of the community.

Gull Island

Gull Island is a small fishing community on the north side of Newfoundland Island, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
It is situated on Conception Bay on the eastern side of Bay de Verde Peninsula, bound on the north by Burnt Point and on the south by Northern Bay. Gull Island was named for the small rocky, bird nesting island of Gull Island located at. Séan McCann from the band Great Big Sea is from Gull Island.
Gull Island is also the location of the "Big Sprout", a waterfall approximately 100 ft. in height, located halfway up Gull Island hill.

Job's Cove

Job's Cove a small fishing village on the north side of Conception Bay on the Bay de Verde Peninsula of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
The community of Job's Cove for the most part is on gently sloping area much higher than the coast where the wharf and fishing boats are kept. The Droke, a very steep ravine is one of the outstanding geological features in this community.
Ray Johnson, a singer/songwriter, is from Job's Cove


Kingston was established as Upper Small Point c. 1793 and its earliest permanent settlers were John Conroy King, Michael Hurley and Timothy O'Leary. The name was changed to Kingston in 1918. It had a population of 129 in 1940 and 158 in 1956.

Lower Island Cove

Lower Island Cove is a community located on the Bay de Verde Peninsula on the north shore of Conception Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. It is a fishing community that has seen a decrease in residents since the collapse of the cod fishery.
Legend says that a treasure was buried by the pirates at Flambro Head.
Lower Island Cove was once a thriving economic centre. Located on the northern entrance to Conception Bay, it once boasted three cod liver factories. And, before 1992, it had a thriving local fish plant. Photos at the Flambro Head Museum and Cafe attest to so many fish flakes at the turn of 1900 that hardly a spot of green grass was found in the settlement.
Three local attractions are the Flambro Head Museum and Cafe, the Lower Island Cove Regatta and the Old Methodist Church Cemetery.
Operated by the Flambo Head Heritage Society, the Museum hosts a 1/2 km walking trail, a coffee shop, a playground complete with picnic tables. The original building housed the "Lower Island Cove" telephone exchange. Today with help from Government, the site the Museum displays local artifacts, photos donated by residents, including "tools and implements depicting the early lifestyles of our area".
The annual Lower Island Cove Regatta once competed for calendar dates with the Royal St. John's regatta. In the 1970s, the LIC Regatta faded away. However, in the 1980s, the Association for Youth and Leisure revived the regatta, which is now held during the second weekend of August. In 2008 the regatta at Lower Island Cove stopped due to no people to row. The AYLA now holds a "Fun Day", which consists of Games Of Chance Food and family fun, something similar to the Regatta but without the boat races.
In the Old Methodist Church Cemetery, a memorial stands to local 13 men who drowned on the schooner "Six Brothers", which left Lower Island Cove for Trinity Bay on May 25, 1883, never to return. The memorial is a reminder of the large number of men along the shore who have lost their lives to the sea.
In 2006, a Christmas tree farm was established. Since the closure of the Cod Fishery in 1992, while there has been some fish plant employment, there remains very little industry. Subsequently, the farm started out with 600 Fraser and Balsam Fir seedlings from Quebec, where the industry is quite lucrative. Nonetheless, the provincial government's Wooddale Tree Nursery, in Grand Falls, Newfoundland, began growing Fraser, Balsam and Bracken fir to provide future stock. Yearly, a large quantity of Christmas trees are imported to Newfoundland from nearby Nova Scotia. Christmas tree farming, therefore, marks a new industry for the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as hope for the settlement.

Low Point

Low Point is an unincorporated town in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada located on a spit of land overlooking a small bay called Bay de Verde Bight. Low Point is a fishing village that has experienced resettlement over a longer period as residents moved to larger areas.

Ochre Pit Cove

Ochre Pit Cove is located in Conception Bay in the Bay de Verde area.
The community derives its name from the red colour of its soil which is caused by its high iron content.
The area was originally inhabited by the Beothuk tribe.
The Beothuks of Ochre Pit Cove had an annual ochring ceremony. Once a year all members of the tribe received a new application of red ochre on the face and body.
The Post office was located in Carbonear around 1864. The first Waymaster in 1882 was Josiah Garlkand. In 1891 the first Postmistress was Bridget Perfect on May 30, 1891. It had a population of 158 in 1956.
The wharf at Ochre Pit Cove has some of the best anchoring facilities in the Conception Bay area. Because ships that were berthed at the harbour were exposed to wave agitation during storm conditions, the breakwater was extended in 2009.

Red Head Cove

Red Head Cove is a fishing village in Newfoundland and Labrador located near the tip of the Bay de Verde Peninsula separating Trinity Bay and Conception Bay, in a steep valley north of Bay de Verde. The cove provides very little shelter or level ground for building homes. To the north is a reddish color headland, which gives the community its name. Red Head Cove provides the closest access to the prime fishing grounds of Baccalieu Tickle.
The settlement is mostly Roman Catholic. During the 1900s many of the nearby communities were increasing their involvement in the Labrador fishery, however, Red Head Cove remained primarily an inshore fishing community.
In 1954, brothers Morris Quinlan and Patrick Quinlan bought the business of James F. O'Neill of Bay de Verde and established Quinlan Brothers Limited. In due course, they built a relatively small ‘fish plant’ on the waterfront at Foreside. Even though fish had been caught and sold in a variety of ways since early settlement, this was the first fresh codfish processing operation in Bay de Verde. By the early 1960s, the salt cod industry had virtually come to an end and consequently, the ‘fish plant’ became the mainstay of the fishery in Bay de Verde. In time, along with cod, many other species were processed. After the cod moratorium of 1992 Quinlan Bros. turned their attention to the processing of snow crab and shrimp. With their base of operation in Bay de Verde, they are now one of the largest producers of these products in Newfoundland and Labrador. Many residents of Red Head Cove obtained employment at this fish plant or on the long-liner fleet at that port.
Western Bay is a town in Conception Bay, about 13 miles north of Carbonear. It was originally a farming and fishing settlement and was established as a Postal town in 1864. It had a population of 965 in 1901 and 508 in 1956.
Josh Garland, A Canadian Bodybuilder, Was raised in Western bay.
E. J. Pratt, who has been called "the foremost Canadian poet of the first half of the century", was born in Western Bay, where his father was a Methodist minister, on February 4, 1882.