Dangerous Flights

Dangerous Flights is a documentary-style reality television show that airs on the Discovery Channel. The show follows the pilots of C.B. Aviation as they ferry light aircraft to their new owners across distances the aircraft weren't designed to fly and often over routes that are generally considered to be dangerous by the aviation community.


Season 1 (2012)

Season 2 (2014)


On 24 February 2013, cameraman/director John Driftmier and conservationist Dr. Anthony King were killed in a plane crash in Kenya. Driftmier was shooting footage for Dangerous Flights when the plane, an Aeroprakt A-22L ultralight crashed into the east face of Mount Kenya. Although only a preliminary report has been published thus far, it is believed that a large downdraft forced the ultralight into an unrecoverable descent into the mountain. Driftmier and King were the only occupants.

Broadcast Airings

Repeats of the series are currently airing on the digital broadcast network Quest.