Dagan languages
The Dagan or Meneao Range languages are a small family of Trans-New Guinea languages spoken in the Meneao Range of the "Bird's Tail" of New Guinea, the easternmost Papuan languages on the mainland. They are the most divergent of the several small families within the Southeast Papuan branch of Trans-New Guinea.Languages
The languages are:
Although clearly related, they are not particularly close. Umanakaina and Ginuman, for example, are only 23% lexically similar.Pronouns
Usher reconstructs the pronouns as:Evolution
Dagan reflexes of proto-Trans-New Guinea etyma:
Daga language:
- ama ‘breast’ < *amu
- meri ‘tongue’ < *mee
- ira ‘tree’ < *inda
Kanasi language:
- asi ‘ear’ < *kandkaapu ‘skin’
- obosa ‘wind’ < *kumbutu
- oman ‘stone’ < *kau
- nene ‘bird’ < *ni