Da'as Torah

Da'as Torah , is a concept in Haredi Judaism according to which Jews should seek the input of rabbinic scholars not just on matters of Jewish law, but on all important life matters, on the grounds that knowledge of the Torah aids everything in life.

In contemporary Haredi Judaism

, Director of Public Affairs for the American Hareidi organization Agudath Israel of America, explains the concept as follows:
Similarly, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk writes:
Accordingly, Haredi Judaism espouses a belief that Jews, both individually and collectively, should seek out the views of the prominent religious scholars of the generation
not just on matters of Jewish law or matters "of religion", but in every aspect of life, from issues of health to secular politics.
Further whereas in declaring matters of Jewish law rabbinic authorities are required to render decisions based on precedents, sources, and Talmudic principles of analysis, a rabbinic authority has greater latitude when declaring Da'as Torah than when defining a halakhic opinion. While a halakhic opinion requires legal justification from recognized sources, simple Da'as Torah is regarded as being of a more subtle nature and requires no clear legal justification or explicit grounding in earlier sources. Indeed, different authorities may offer diametrically opposed opinions based on their own understanding.
In Hasidic circles, a rebbe is often regarded as having extraordinary spiritual powers and is sought for personal advice in all pursuits of life by his followers. The views and edicts of a rebbe are considered to be an expression of Da'as Torah.


Some observers, such as Dr. Jacob Katz, feel that the idea that these are de facto binding on the whole community is a novelty within the history of Judaism.
Prior to the modern period, rabbis functioned as the primary leaders of every Jewish community. Lay leaders served under the general guidance of the rabbinical leadership regarding religious issues, and often on political matters as well. This was not understood to mean that rabbis, even gedolim, were infallible, but simply that they were seen as the best qualified leaders for the Jewish people.
Some argue that with the rise of modernity and the wider availability of secular knowledge, various groups, including groups within the Orthodox world, raised challenges to the exclusive leadership role of the rabbis. These theorists suggest that to some degree, this generated a backlash in the Haredi world, intensifying the Da'as Torah concept to imply near infallibility for gedolim.
Avi Shafran disagrees that the concept is a new one. He writes:
Rabbi Alfred Cohen argues similarly: "rom time to time rabbinic figures will make pronouncements about political agendas or personalities... Do great
Torah scholars possess some kind of special insight even
into mundane matters?
The Gemara says that "a talmid chacham is preferable
to a prophet." What does this mean, in what sense is he
superior? Commenting on this dictum, the Rashba notes,
'Although "prophecy was taken away from the
prophets," this refers to prophetic visions, but the
prophetic insight of the wise men, which
via wisdom, that has not been nullified; rather they
know the truth through the
Divine spirit which is within them.'
Following in the same path, the Ritva also understands
Divine wisdom as having been given to Torah scholars... The Maharal reaches a similar
'he wise man , based on his
intellect...can grasp matters which are exceedingly
obscure.' It is my understanding that these great Rabbonim are describing a phenomenon very close to what is colloquially
perceived as Daat Torah: That a person who spends his
nights and days immersed in Torah wisdom eventually
becomes imbued with an almost intuitive grasp of what
Hashem wants; in that sense, his advice can be wonderfully
insightful for the individual and of great assistance to the
Written centuries ago, these opinions hardly constitute
a "modern phenomenon" reflective of a breakdown in
traditional communal structures, and the concomitant
weakening of the influence of community rabbis and lay
leaders. Although the role of Roshei Yeshiva, possessed of
great Torah scholarship and often personal charisma, may
indeed be far more prominent nowadays than in the past,
it is hardly indicative of a new phenomenon"
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein: “…I find the alternative view, that gedolei Torah are professional experts whose authority and wisdom can ordinarily be regarded as confined to the area of their technical proficiency, simply inconceivable. Our abiding historical faith in the efficacy of Torah as a pervasive, ennobling, informing, and enriching force dictates adoption of the concept of da'at Torah in some form or measure.”
Rabbi Nahum Rabinovich, in an article whose translation appeared in the Fall 2007 edition of the journal Hakirah, argued conversely that the practice found in some Haredi circles of blindly following the advice of rabbinic leaders for all personal decisions is not related to the mishnaic concept of emunat chachamim.

Political impact

The Da'as Torah concept is the principle that guides the Haredi political parties in Israel, such as the Ashkenazi Agudas Yisroel and Degel HaTorah, both individually and during their alliance together as United Torah Judaism, and the Sephardi Shas party. The National Religious Party of Israel also has a centralized board of Rabbis, such as Rabbanim Shlomo Aviner, Dov Lior, and Mordechai Eliyahu, that formulate its policies, although its politicians have greater flexibility in devising such policies.