D C Leisure Management

DC Leisure Management Limited is a company that deals with the development and management of leisure facilities in partnership with local authorities across the UK.
DCLM was founded in 1991, to respond to opportunities in leisure created by Compulsory Competitive Tendering legislation.
The company has 35 clients and over 120 leisure centres within its business portfolio; generating an annual turnover of over £100m. DCLM employs approximately 7,000 people.
Originally named after its founder, David Cross, a recent rebranding has decided to rename it after 'Developing Communities'
A change of ownership, took place in October 2003. Sovereign Capital Ltd purchased a shareholding and a new management team stepped forward, culminating in the formation of DCL Holdings Ltd.
The company was purchased by Places for People in December 2012, retaining the existing executive and management team.

DCLM Brands

The company's brands include kinetika gyms, The Swimming Academy swimming instruction courses, Fun House Club fitness club for children and Centre Catering.