DC Comics – The Legend of Batman

DC ComicsThe Legend of Batman is a fortnightly partwork magazine published by Eaglemoss Collections and DC Comics. The series is a collection of special edition hardback graphic novels, that tell Batman's life story from beginning to end. The series follows the success of the DC Comics Graphic Novel Collection, which itself began in 2015 with the Batman story .
The collection started in countries like France, but with a different order and contents. The debut issue,, was released in the U.K. on 27 December 2017 at the special price of £2.99, before gradually rising to £10.99 per issue. 80 issues are planned so far.

List of books

Below is a list of the books which have been released as part of the collection.

Special issues

The following 'special' books are due to be released as part of the collection with a UK retail price of £19.99. Subscribers get the Special issues at a discounted price of £18.99.
Issue numberTitleCollectingRelease date
Special 1Batman Eternal1Batman Eternal #1-13
Special 2Batman Eternal2Batman Eternal #14-26
Special 3Batman Eternal3Batman Eternal #27-39
Special 4Batman Eternal4Batman Eternal #40-52, Batman #28
Special 5Batman and Robin Eternal1Batman and Robin Eternal #1-12, Batman Endgame Special Edition #110 March 2019
Special 6Batman and Robin Eternal2Batman and Robin Eternal #13-261 May 2019
Special 7The Batman Adventures1The Batman Adventures #1-121 September 2019
Special 8The Batman Adventures2The Batman Adventures #13-2421 October 2019
Special 9The Batman Adventures3The Batman Adventures #25-3616 February 2020-
Special 101Detective Comics #790-796, Robin #126-127, Batgirl #53July 2020-
Special 112-

Subscriber exclusive issues

The collection offers subscribers the opportunity to receive additional gifts throughout the collection by paying £1 extra per volume. The exclusive Legends of Batman books are issued every 20 issues over the course of the collection.
Issue numberTitlePartCollectingRelease date
Upsell 101Detective Comics #742-753, Batman: Turning Points #1-5
Upsell 202Detective Comics #755-766, Batman: The 10-Cent Adventure, Nightwing #65, Batgirl #24, Superman #168, Robin #98, Batman: Gotham Knights #25, Birds of Prey #39
Upsell 301Detective Comics #767-770, Batman #599-602, Nightwing #66-68, Batgirl #27, Batman: Gotham Knights #26-29, Robin #99, Birds of Prey #40-41