D27 road (Croatia)

D27 is a state road connecting Gračac in the southern part of Lika, Croatia to D8 state road via Benkovac. The road is long.
The road also provides an alternate route to the sections of A1 motorway and the D8 state road
that cross the Maslenica strait over the two Maslenica bridges, underneath the Velebit. This is especially important when strong wind or storms cause the A1 motorway section between Maslenica Bridge and Sveti Rok Tunnel to be closed for traffic for safety reasons.
The road, as well as all other state roads in Croatia, is managed and maintained by Hrvatske ceste, a state-owned company.

Traffic volume

Traffic is regularly counted and reported by Hrvatske ceste, operator of the road. Substantial variations between annual and summer traffic volumes are attributed to the fact that the road connects a number of summer resorts to Croatian motorway network.

Road junctions and populated areas
